- Paging through the magazine, I came across a short article on the objective law of social development. 翻阅这本杂志时,我看到一篇论述社会发展客观规律的短文。
- It's quite a short article,you could easily read it at a sitting. 这是篇很短的文章,你能一口气很容易地把它看完。
- I will certainly not attempt to oversimplify it in this short article. 我无法在这篇短小的文章里简要总结。
- It seems Jisub left for LA today. An eyewitness posted short article. 似乎是今天志燮前往LA的日子。一个目击者张贴的短文。
- He has two short articles almost ready for publication; they just need to be touched up. 他有两篇差不多可以发表的短文,它们只需稍加润色即可。
- Paging through the magazine,I came across a short article on the objective law of social development. 翻阅这本杂志时,我看到一篇论述社会发展客观规律的短文。
- Disciple Yong Lee raised a question about dreams and waking state at the end of a nice short article on this topic. 弟子荣利在这个主题下所写的一篇短篇佳文并于结尾处提出了一个有关醒与梦的问题。
- So short article, but I had finished 12 and half cigarettes, (the 13 rd was smoking in m hands). 就写这么屁大的一点东西,我竟然抽了十二根半烟(第十三根正在手上冒着)。
- In that case, you can overwrite the short article with a redirect, as explained here. 此种情况下,你可以按下面的方法,用一个重定向改写该短条目。
- As requested by disciple Jing Xing below, I had written a short article on Homage to All Buddhas. 应弟子敬行以下之提请,我已写了一篇礼敬诸佛的短文。
- Disciple Mian Yan had written a short article on the cap that I saw Guru Rinpoche wearing in an inspirational teaching dream. 弟子绵延写了一篇关于我在一个感应教示梦中所亲见的莲师所戴的小帽的短文。
- Disciple Detong had written a short article in Chinese on inspirational teachings received from Vajra Yogini that is related to my new work, Selfless Tantric Love Practice. 弟子茶桶写了一篇得自金刚亥母与我新作”双运无我”有关的感应教授的中文短文。
- It is wonderful.the sentences are fluent and have little solecism.i am admire and then i come into being implusion.so i decide to write a short article in english. 我去的比较晚,黄金铺位已经没有了,没办法只有占了一个很偏僻的地方。按农村人说的就是,鸟不拉斯(鸟不拉屎)的地方。果然是,好久都没人来问津,真是有点灰心了。考研资料更是没人看了。
- In this short article, David Viney examines whether Rapid Application Development (RAD) or Waterfall development methodologies should be used during Intranet Portal projects. 在这短短文章幼Viney审核是否开发器(RAD)快速应用开发方法还是应该用在瀑布门联网工程.
- This short article will explain how this shape works in the context of a camming device, and will explain the mathematical equation that defines the profile. 本文将解释这种形状的剖面如何在攀登用凸轮上发挥作用,以及采用这种剖面的数学依据。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- As to Chueh-min, he was busy with his classes at school all day; in the evening he went to tutor Chin. That left him little time for anything else. Except for writing a short article once in a while, he wasn't of much help to the magazine. 至于觉民呢,他白天忙着学校的功课,晚上按时到琴那里去教书,对于周报的工作并不热心赞助。
- But....----A periodical theological/ apologetical glossary type of info would be good.2.Some good short articles on Church history----desperately needed. 有的则反过来; 所以要大家翻一篇文章; 也许各有长短.;所以无所谓能否通过的问题了
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。