- A very short clip of Gary Chaw in SP concert. 坐的不是很靠近,所以没法拍很多。
- This short clip was shot at a state part in Michigan, US in the fall of 05. 拍摄于05年秋美国密西根一个州立公园。
- You can place a short title sequence on a longer clip, but you can't place a long title sequence on a short clip. 您可以在较长的剪辑中放置一个短的字幕序列,但是您不能将长字幕序列放置在短的剪辑中。
- This is a short clip of the conversation between Burt Munro and the young boy who lived next door. 每当朋友或家人给我发送搞笑的电子邮件或励志短片的时候,我都会看都不看一眼就删掉。
- Well, thanks so much for watching the short clip, and now I've got some free e-books and software for you. 好的,非常感谢大家观看此短视频剪辑,现在,我为大家提供一些免费的电子图书和软件。
- Here is an amazing short clip I got of two US competitors at the 16th Annual UC Berkeley Chinese Martial Arts Tournament CMAT16. I thought it was brilliant work!!! 这个录影是两个美国武术运动员在加州伯克利大学武术锦标赛中!真的很厉害!
- Throughout the history, all human endeavors represent a moment, a wistful thinking, a short clip of moving images, like a flash in the civilization process of human beings. 所有努力,纵观历史不过瞬间,一场快速闪过世人大脑的愿景,一段快速闪过文明长河的视频。
- The days of making easy money from ringtones short clips of music for mobile phones are over. 靠一小段手机音乐铃声轻松赚钱的日子已经过去了。
- Most of these websites are totally free, and allow users to upload short clips that are viewable by the public. 这些网站大多都是免费的,并且可让使用者上传短片供大众欣赏。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- A wrapper playlist file typically contains references to short clips that you can have stream before and/or after the content requested by a client. 通常,包装播放列表文件包含对一些短片段的引用,您可以在客户机请求的内容之前和/或之后插入这些片段。
- Over the next four years, it is thought that the number of videos watched over the internet will quadruple, with people moving from short clips to hour-long programmes. 据预测,在未来四年中,互联网上的视频数量将翻两番,人们所能观看的视频也将从现在的短片“升级”为长达一小时的节目。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。
- The hope of a short war went glimmering. 战争无望在短期内结束。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。
- Short skirts are no longer in vogue in Britain. 在英国,短裙现在不流行了。
- I'm a little bit tired. Let's take a short rest. 我有点累了。让我们休息一会儿。
- Of this breed we can make short shrift. 这个品种,我们能很快解决。