- short hydraulic jet pump 短型水力喷射泵
- Structural design of hydraulic jet pump for sandy wells 用于出砂井的水力喷射泵结构设计
- Application of Pipe Network Hydraulic Jet Pump in Ken Xi Oilfield 管网式水力喷射泵在垦西油田的应用
- Production Technology of Forced Sand Dumping with Hydraulic Jet Pump 水力喷射泵强制排砂采油技术
- The Application of Hydraulic Jet Pump in the Production of Sporadic Viscous Crude in Gudao Oilfield 孤岛油田水力喷射泵在开采零散稠油井区的应用
- Dewatering Gas Production Technology and Application by Using Hydraulic Jet Pump 水力射流泵排水采气工艺技术及应用
- Diagnosis of the Working State of a Hydraulic Jet Pump Production System and Adjustment of Its Parameters 喷射泵井工况诊断与调参技术研究
- hydraulic jet pump 水力喷射泵
- Keywords hydraulic jetting pump prolong lifetime of oil well muzzle; 水力喷射泵;喉管;喷嘴;动力液;油井免修期;新工艺;
- Hydraulic jet perforation incorporates perforating and block removing, suitable to complex well conditions. 喷砂射孔技术集射孔、解堵于一体,适合于处理复杂井况条件。
- Pneumatic taphole drill,short hydraulic clay gun,swinging spout,hydraulic cantilever crane for cover of main runner,air cooling iron-stored fixed main runner are equipped for taphole. 每个铁口分别装备有风动开铁口机、全液压矮身泥炮、风动摆动流嘴、液压主沟盖悬臂吊、风冷贮铁式固定主沟等。运输工具可直接驶达风口平台。
- This machine uses magnetized jet pump, may magnetize the drink, which is advantageous to the health. 本机装有喷射泵,可以搅动喷射饮料,有如喷射四射,新颖美观,吸引顾客。
- Comparison with jet pump, it is indicated that there are the same side and differentia on best parameters in HJAI. 实验结果表明,与射流泵对照,水气射流通风器最佳优参数既有其共同之处,也有其不同点。
- Liquid-liquid &gas jet pump is a kind of li quid jet pump which can pump two-phase liquid and gas fluid. 液-液气射流泵是一种能同时抽吸液、气两相介质的液体喷射泵。
- Jet pump with short Venturi tube 短喉管喷射泵熔融液泵
- Short hydraulic pressure mud gun of BF 高炉矮式液压泥炮
- The jet pump is a form of series connection and we can obtain a lower mixture ratio, and we analyze the fundamental performance of the jet pump. 将射流泵串联联接,得到较小的混合比,并对其基本性能进行分析,提出了双级串联射流泵的数学模型,与实验结果基本吻
- Carbon Graphite Sealing rings for water pumps, jet pumps, monoblock pumps etc. 产品分类:机械与设备->机械零配件(元件)->引擎及马达->碳密封圈
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- The author gives his experiences for the disassembly, installation and adjustment of VE distributing jet pump in this paper. 本文就如何拆卸、装配和调整VE型分配式喷油泵作了简明的经验介绍。