- For quick truning to target of air-to-air missile (AAM) for short range dogfight in large off-boresight it is necessary to study the agile turn control law. 摘要为了使近距格斗空空导弹在大离轴角发射时能快速地转向目标,需要研究快速转弯控制律。
- He shot the rabbit at short range. 他在短距离内射杀这只兔子。
- Focused on air-to-air missile for short range dog-fight,the demands of guidance system under high off-boresight launch condition were analyzed. 针对大离轴发射条件下的近距格斗导弹,分析了大离轴制导的要求,提出了适用于大离轴制导阶段的快速转弯制导律,并进行了推导及分析。
- The first step to halting arms sales might be to observe that the Chinese have stopped the short range missile build-up across the Taiwan Straits (I believe this is true). 停止对台军售的第一步,或许是看到中国大陆已停止在台湾海峡部署短程导弹(我相信这是真的)。
- Pyongyang has also conducted a short range missile test widely seen by experts as a show up displeasure with harding policy approaches by South Korea and the United States . 近日,平壤方面进行了一次短程导弹的测试,此举被专家们认为是对南韩和美国所采取的强烈措施的不满。
- Most of our pursuit planes were still handicapped by short range. 当时我们的大部份驱逐机仍被局限于短距离。
- For short range distress signaling from ships, lifeboats an. 救生艇和救生筏短距离的遇险信号。
- For short range distress signaling from ships, lifeboats and lif. 用于船舶、救生艇和救生筏短距离的遇险信号。
- Earlier our political boss must have been comforting under false sense of security that China has not conducted anti missile test despite the fact that they have S300 missile and its chini clones. 早些时候我们的政治老板肯定还因为中国没有反导拦截系统而自欺欺人,而感到欣慰,却不顾中国已有S300和相关山寨货的事实。
- For this reason television signals have a short range. 因此,电视信号的传播距离很短。
- Healing Tongue heals friendly targets from a short range. 短距离治疗友方目标。
- Bullfrog 50 Inflicts poison when your enemy damages you at short range. 牛娃50对近距离攻击你的敌人造成毒伤。
- ASRAAM: Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile 先进短程空空导弹
- low altitude short range missile 低空近程导弹
- Before moving on to long range archery, they must first master short range shooting. 在进行远程箭术训练之前,他们必须首先掌握近程射击。
- Very Short Range Ballistic Missile 超近程弹道导弹
- short range air deffense missile 近程防空导弹
- That country can't afford to start making Abombs,but have they found something effective at short range and cheap? 那个国家没有力量开发原子弹,但他们是否已找到在短距离内同样有效且便宜的替代品了呢?
- The missile landed ten miles short (of its target). 那枚导弹落在离目标十英里的地方。
- A shoulder - held weaponconsisting of a long metal smoothbore tube for firing armor - piercing rockets at short range. 火箭筒一种肩扛武器,由一个金属的光滑长炮管组成,用于在近距离发射穿甲火箭。