- short sell securities 卖空证券
- To buy or sell securities at prevailing market price. 按现行市价发出指令买入或沽出股票。
- This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell securities or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. 本新闻稿不应被视为邀约销售股票或诱导投资者购买股票。
- Short Sell To sell a security not owned by the seller in the hope that it can be bought back and replaced at a lower price in the future. 做空销售不属于自己的证券,希望在将来以较低价格回购获得利润的行为。
- Discretionary Account An account that allows a broker to buy and sell securities without the client's consent. 委托帐户、全权管理帐户容许经纪人在无需客户同意的情况下买卖证券的帐户。
- Is the company soliciting investments, or is it attempting to sell securities to the public? 你应该问:这家公司是否在吸引投资?是否在向公众出售证券?
- I/We will notify KHS when a sale order relates to securities which I/we do not own i.e. involves short selling. 2倘沽盘是有关非由本人/吾等拥有的证券,即涉及卖空交易,本人/吾等将会通知桂洪证券。
- In the US, the post is the structure on the floor of a stock exchange at which market makers buy and sell securities. 在美国,交易岗指证券交易所交易大厅中供做市商进行证券买卖的一种设施。
- But in the second model, short selling is not permitted. 第一节建立了允许卖空条件下的不考虑交易费用的证券组合投资优化模型,第二节建立了不允许卖空条件下的不考虑交易费用的证券组合投资优化模型。
- The part of the financial markets that purchase and sell securities for money management purposes, rather than for underwriting purposes. 在金融市场上以资金管理而非包销为目标的一方。
- Short selling is the sale of borrowed securities, then the price decline of the purchase, access to capital appreciation. 卖空是指出售借入的证券,然后在价格下跌的时候购回,获取资本升值。
- Retail Investor Individual investors who buy and sell securities for their personal account, and not for another company or organization. 零售投资者为自己买卖证券的个人投资者,而并非为任何公司或机构进行投资。
- One, such as an investor, that sells securities or commodities in expectation of falling prices. 卖空者,做空头者抛售股票或商品希望造成价格下跌的人,如某位投资者
- Naked shorting lets traders short sell large amount amounts of stock that may not be available to borrow in the market. 空白卖空可以使投资者在短时间内卖出大量股票,这些股票可能并不能在市场上借得。
- Short selling is disruptive speculation that requires someone else to lose. 买空卖空是破坏性很大的投机勾当,总要导致损人利己的结果。
- With best efforts, the underwriters have the option to buy and authority to sell securities, or if unsuccessful, may cancel the issue and forgo any fees. 承销人有购买股票的选择权、并有权决定是否出售股票,如果不成功,可以取消发行、并放弃一切费用。
- Short Selling is considered a necessary part of an ??? operating market. 卖空被当作是高效率运作市场的重要一部分。
- If you want to buy or sell securities in the market, you must entrust member company's broker to make the dealing, register for the rollopen a capital accounta securities account. 有人想在市场上买卖证券,必须委托会员公司的经纪人才能进行交易,名册登记,开立资金账户和证券交易账户。
- Naked shorting lets traders short sell large amounts of stock that may not be available to borrow in the market. 赤裸短期让交易者短期出售大量股票;这些股票无法在市场中可借.
- The approach in buying and selling securities is basically the same. 买卖股票的方法都基本相同。