- shortscape fleabane herb 灯盏细辛
- Therapeutic Effect of Shortscape Fleabane Injection in Treating Diabetes 2 Complicated with Peripheral Neuritis, Abnormal Rheology and Hyperlipemia 灯盏细辛注射液对2型糖尿病并发末梢神经炎血液流变学与血脂改变的影响
- horseweed fleabane herb 祁州一枝蒿
- I had to take the herb tea although it's bitter. 虽然汤药很苦,我还是不得不喝了。
- He alighted on a rare medical herb. 他偶然找到了一种稀有的草药。
- longstem fleabane herb 红蓝地花
- annual fleabane herb 一年蓬
- A plant having no permanent woody stem; an herb. 草本植物,花草没有永久木茎的植物; 草本植物
- The fleabane after 1949 bright Tong Qujing area. 1949年后嵩明同曲靖地区。
- The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure. 从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。
- He stood over the cowering Herb with fists of fury. 他紧握着两个拳头怒气冲天地站在惊魂未定的赫伯面前。
- This medicinal herb is hard to come by. 这种草药很难得。
- This kind of medical herb is good for T.B. 这种草药对结核病有疗效。
- Relating to or characteristic of an herb as distinguished from a woody plant. 草本的与木本植物不同的,关于草本植物的或有草本植物特征的
- Old World herb related to fenugreek. 与葫芦巴相关的旧大陆草本植物。
- The bitter fleabane in the wind is a typical drifting plant. 那些风中轻飘的飞蓬,是植物界随遇而安的典型。
- European herb that smells like garlic. 闻起来象蒜的欧洲草本植物。
- Motherboard of shoe of fleabane of Fosan city peaceful.. 佛山市泰嵩鞋底板...
- A plant having no permanent woody stem;an herb. 草本植物,花草没有永久木茎的植物;草本植物
- Either Eve or Herb has been invited. 伊夫和赫伯都被邀请了。