- He put up a token show of obedience. 他装出一副顺从的样子。
- The gallery has a show of French oil painting. 这个美术馆在展出法国油画。
- The army put on a show of strength. 军队公开显示了力量。
- The issue was decided by a show of hands. 这件事是通过举手表决决定的。
- Bill made a show of himself at the party. 比尔在聚会上出了洋相。
- Some delegates walked out in a show of protest. 有几位代表退出会场以示抗议。
- We elected our monitor by a show of hands. 我们举手选举了班长。
- The children were all keyed up over the show of wire walking. 孩子们在看走钢丝表演时都紧张极了。
- An outward show of confidence concealed his nervousness. 他表现出很有信心的样子以掩盖内心的紧张。
- The children were all keyed up over the show of wire-walking. 孩子们在看走钢丝表演时都兴奋极了。
- The attendance book is used in various kinds of situations. 许多场合中会用到签到簿。
- It is a powerful transformer of situations and people. 托付是对处境和人的一位强大转化者。
- The motion is carried on a show of hand. 动议案用举手方式表决。
- I made a show of interest, but I really didn't care about what he was saying. 我假装感兴趣,但事实上我才不管他说些什么呢。
- Do you enjoy the side show of the circus? 你喜欢马戏团的杂耍吗?
- To frighten with threats or a show of force. 用威胁或显示武力的手段吓唬
- A showing of a movie. Often used with the. 放映电影的放映,常与the连用
- He daubed his vice with show of virtue. 他表面上装得道貌岸然以掩饰他的道德败坏行为。
- They like blowing up, though they just talk on most of situations. 他们喜欢自吹自擂,尽管多数情况下只是说说而已。
- The exercise was intended as a show of force. 这次演习为的是炫耀武力。