- Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited disorders of the hemoglobin molecule which, when exposed to various conditions (to be discussed later this week), cause the red blood cell hemoglobin to polymerize and distort the cell into a sickle shape. 镰状细胞病是一种遗传性血红蛋白分子功能紊乱疾患,当血红蛋白分子暴露在各种环境中(以后将讨论),红细胞血红蛋白发生聚合,扭曲变形成镰状。
- a sickle cell hemoglobin disease 一种镰状细胞血红蛋白病
- sickle cell hemoglobin C disease 镰状细胞血红蛋白C病
- sickle cell hemoglobin D(disease) 镰状细胞血红蛋白D(病)
- What is hemoglobin F, and how does it affect sickle cell disease? 何谓血红蛋白F?其对镰状细胞病有何作用?
- sickle cell hemoglobin C 镰状细胞血红蛋白C
- sickle cell hemoglobin 镰刀形红细胞血红蛋白
- Sickle cell anemia represents patients who are homozygous for hemoglobin S (i.e. Hemoglobin SS). 镰状细胞性贫血是指血红蛋白S为纯合子的患者(如血红蛋白SS)。
- Persons with sickle cell trait (Hemoglobin AS) are much less likely to have this happen. 带有镰状细胞特性(血红蛋白AS)的人并不常发生这种情况。
- This is sickle cell anemia in sickle cell crisis. 出现镰状细胞危象的镰状细胞贫血。
- How common are sickle cell disorders? 镰状细胞紊乱的共同点?
- How was sickle cell disease first noted? 镰状细胞病最初是如何发现?
- We now know, for example, that inherited hemoglobin disorders such as sickle cell anemia can limit bloodstream infection. 举例来说,我们现在知道,像镰状细胞贫血这种遗传性血红素疾病,就可以限制疟疾在血球间的感染。
- Hydroxyurea has been observed to increase the level of hemoglobin F, and has been used with some success in reducing the morbidity of sickle cell disease (2). 羟基脲有增加血红蛋白F水平的功能,并被成功地用于部分镰状细胞病患者的治疗,减低了死亡率[2]。
- Hydroxyurea has been obsered to increase the leel of hemoglobin F, and has been used with some success in reducing the morbidity of sickle cell disease (2). 羟基脲有增加血红蛋白F水平的功能,并被成功地用于部分镰状细胞病患者的治疗,减低了死亡率[2]。
- Can tourniquets be used in patients with sickle cell disease? 止血带能否用于镰状细胞病患者?
- Are there other novel ways of treating sickle cell disease? 治疗镰状细胞病有没有其它新方法?
- What organs are at risk for ischemia in sickle cell diseaese? 镰状细胞病时哪些器官有缺血的危险?
- Are patients with sickle cell disease at greater risk of infection? 镰状细胞病患者是否有更高的感染机会?
- How does hydration assist patients with sickle cell disease? 水合作用(液体治疗)用于镰状细胞病治疗的原因?