- signal sort and recognition 信号分选与识别
- Signal sorting and identification in ELINT is an important topic in the domain of ECM, the research on which is significant in theory and practice. 雷达情报侦察(ELINT)信号分析和识别是雷达对抗领域里的一个重要课题,对其展开研究,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。
- The aim of this paper is focused on the study and improvement of the method of signal sorting and identification of ARRS. So this is of great importance for the ARM. 本项目研究的目的是研究和改进反辐射导引头信号分选与识别的方法,这对于提高ARM的性能有很大的意义。
- Achievement and recognition are important to you. 成就和别人的肯定对你来说很重要。
- A detailed investigation is given on the method of the general radar signal and the jam signal sorting and identification of ARRS in the complicated spatial signal environment with the aid of . 本文详细介绍了反辐射导引头在复杂的空间信号环境中对于常规雷达信号和干扰信号分选与识别的方法。
- The image and recognition of a brand or product. 一个品牌或产品的形象和认知度。
- Achievers like titles and recognition. 渴望自己成就得到肯定,注重名衔。
- The signal sort recognition algorithm was studied aimed at the Morse code beaten by handcraft, and the design and the application program for this means were described in detail. 针对这一问题,研究了人工拍发莫尔斯码信号类别的识别算法,描述了该算法的思想及其程序实现。
- The mail was sorted and pouched by midnight. 邮件在午夜前分拣装包。
- In the Common Data View Tasks list, click Sort and Group. 在“常见数据视图任务”列表中,单击“排序和分组”。
- For more information, see Sort and group data in a Data View. 有关详细信息,请参阅对数据视图中的数据进行排序和分组。
- Collection, sort and pigeonhole materials of customer. 客户资料的收集、整理和归档;
- Practice reinforces and recognition will come with practice. 练习加强,而且承认将会带练习来。
- Yinmarkerf development kit for the analysis and recognition of speech signal. 隐马尔科夫工具开发包,用于语音信号的分析和识别。
- We used their nap time to clean up the nursery, sort and fold all the laundry. 我们利用他们午睡的时间打扫育儿室,把所有洗熨好的衣物分类叠好。
- The mail was sorted and pouched by 6 a.m. 到凌晨六点邮件已经分类装袋了。
- The fruit is washed, sorted and bagged at the farm. 水果在农场洗净、分拣并装袋。
- LISP provides two primitives for sorting: sort and stable-sort. LISP提供两种主要的排序:排序和稳定排序。
- This paper is devoted to the exact and real-time detection and recognition of the laser pulse signal in the spectra between 400 and 1700nm. 本文的工作重点是对400-1700nm 光谱范围内脉冲激光光谱信号进行准确、快速、实时的检测与识别。
- Tom was out of sorts and would not say goodbye. 汤姆心情不好,不想说再见。