- silk reeling frame 络丝机
- I've already learned silk reeling. 我已经学会繅丝了。
- Silk reeling is done in the silkworm cocoon workshop. 繅丝主要是先经过茧部车间。
- Silk reeling experiments are conducted with non-cooking cocoons treated by vacuum warm water permeation. 对不同茧采用真空渗透工艺,不经煮茧而直接缫丝进行了试验。
- The effects of the insecticide to the cocoon silk reeling and animal toxicity tests had been studied also. 结果表明该杀虫剂杀虫效果好,广谱、药效高、毒性低,对蚕茧解丝质量没有影响。
- Sericulture and silk reeling, the wife of our ancestors in the world textile and apparel made outstanding contributions. 养蚕、缫丝、织绸是我国先民对世界纺织服装发展作出的杰出贡献。
- Various defective cocoons in unsorted cocoon silk reeling will influence in varying degrees on raw silk quality indices. 统茧缫丝中不同种类的次茧对生丝各种品质指标影响程度不同。
- Cotton spinning,weaving,woolen spinning,silk reeling,garment processing and chemical fiber processing all rank first in the world in term of production capacity. 棉纺、织造、毛纺、缫丝、服装、化纤生产能力均居世界第一位。
- Cotton spinning, weaving, woolen spinning, silk reeling, garment processing and chemical fiber processing all rank first in the world in term of production capacity. 棉纺、织造、毛纺、缫丝、服装、化纤生产能力均居世界第一位。
- Xiaxian and surrounding lot of places, people not only for ancestors sericulture Lei knows the story of silk reeling, familiar, and has retained the habit of reeling sericulture. 夏县及周边许多地方,人们不仅对嫘祖养蚕缫丝的故事妇孺皆知,耳熟能详,而且一直保留着养蚕缫丝的习惯。
- Focusing on the mechanism of tender yarn occurrence,constructive suggestions are made on the improvenent of silk reeling process for reducing tender yarn. 本文重点阐述了脆弱丝发生的机理,并对在制丝工艺上如何改善脆弱丝问题提出了探讨性意见。
- Han Jia learned silk reeling. 韩佳学会了繅丝。
- By 1930, there were 82 factories of silk reeling in the whole province, there were 5996 cars of silk reeling made of iron, 7960 cars of wooden silk reeling, 19 reeling mills among them had equipped the modern machine. 到1930年,全省有缫丝工厂82家,拥有铁制缫丝车5996部,木制缫丝车7960部,其中19家缫丝厂装备了近代机器。
- ZHEJIANG CENTURY SILK CORP.,LTD is a industrial enterprise, which engages in cocoon baking, silk reeling, knitting &weaving, dyeing &printing, garment manufacture, scientific research. 公司介绍:纪丝绸股份有限公司是从事服装设计和制造,纺织品的加工,工艺品的制作.
- To simulate the influences of the silk reeling conditions on the quality of raw silk, the size curves of cocoon filaments should be studied for simulating the size curves by computer. 要利用电子计算机进行模拟缫丝,模拟缫丝技术条件对生丝质量的影响,我们必须研究茧丝纤度曲线,并能用计算机模拟生成茧丝纤度曲线。
- Investigations made on silk reeling results indicate that chute feeding can protect cooked cocoons and improve their processing property, beneficial to improving silk reeling results. 通过对管道输送煮熟茧生产实绩的调查,经试验分析认为:管道输送煮熟茧保护了煮熟茧的质量,改善了煮熟茧的工艺性能,因此有利于提高缫丝成绩。
- The cocoon spun in poor mounting conditions shows yellow and dark colour, tough hand feeling and weak elasticity, resulting in more dropped ends and lower reelability percentage during silk reeling. 在恶劣的上蔟环境中结成的蚕茧,茧色黄而深浓,茧层手触紧硬而弹性弱,缫丝时落绪多,解舒差。
- The bevel of that picture frame was damaged. 那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。
- How to do Well in Silk Reeling Equipment 如何切实搞好缫丝设备
- Her slight frame was shaken by bouts of coughing. 她纤弱的身躯因阵阵咳嗽而发颤。