- silkworm egg paper 蚕种纸
- Summarization on the Experience of Reformation in Dayu Silkworm Egg Production Co.Ltd. 与相似的文献。
- It is very Important to sample the female moth,technical treatment and supervision for the control of pebrine disease in the silkworm egg production. 做好制种过程中母蛾检查的抽样和技术处理及管理工作,是微粒子病防治的重要一环。
- When she left,Aqiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her. 临走的时候,阿巧带了一些蚕卵和一袋桑籽。
- Our silkworm eggs didn't hatch well, but we didn't harm anybody.You were all so smart! 我家自管蚕花不好,可并没害了谁,你们都是好的!
- Scientists at Hiroshima University inserted human collagen genes into the DNA of silkworm eggs. 广岛大学的科学家把人的胶原基因加入到蚕卵的DNA中。
- When she left, Aqiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her. 临走的时候, 阿巧带了一些蚕卵和一袋桑籽。
- The loss rate increase gradually. Water loss rate of silkworm eggs decreases abruptly by 3%-5% in the Ji3 stage. 催青至己3、己4期,失水率呈突然下降的趋势,下降了3%25-5%25,说明胚胎发育中己3至己4期保持低水分散失可能是胚胎发育正常的生理要求。
- Abstract: Time limit of silkworm Bombyx morl cold storage was mvesugateu to meet demand of silkworm eggs at any time for transgenic research. 文章摘要: 为了适应转基因家蚕研究对实验用蚕卵的随时需求,探讨了蚕蛹、蚕蛾耐冷藏期限问题。
- Emperor Justinian bribed two Persian monks who hadlived in China to return there and bring back silkworm eggs bysecreting them in hollow bamboo canes. 查士丁尼皇帝贿赂了两个曾在中国居住的波斯僧侣,让他们返回中国,然后偷偷地在空心的竹手杖里带一些蚕卵回来。
- The current inspection method of hybrid rate of silkworm eggs is a morphological method based on larva and cocoon of Bombyx mori. 摘要现行桑蚕种杂交率检验采用幼虫(或茧)的形态检验方法,且不设重复区,存在准确性差等诸多缺陷。
- Of course if the silkworm eggs shouldn't ripen, that would be different.Such matters were all in the hands of the Old Lord of the Sky.Who could foretell His will? 除非是“蚕花”不熟,但那是老天爷的“权柄”,谁又能够未卜先知?
- Studies on the Management Revolution of Silkworm Egg Production 蚕种生产质量管理改革的探索
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤烟熏污的手把纸弄脏了。
- Raw silk was obtained only from Asia until 550 AD, when two monks sent from the Roman Empire secretly stole silkworm eggs from China and brought them to Europe. 在公元550年之前,生丝一直都只能在亚洲获得,直到两个东罗马帝国的修道士从中国偷走了蚕种并把它带到了欧洲。
- Keywords preserved egg paper;Bambusa emeiensis pulp;sodium hydroxide; 皮蛋纸;竹浆;氢氧化钠;
- Main technical measures for silkworm egg production in summer 夏季繁育蚕种的主要技术措施
- He is such a good egg that everyone liked him. 他是一个大好人,个个都喜欢他。
- I usually have a boil egg and a cup of coffee. 我通常吃一个煮鸡蛋,喝一杯咖啡。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。