- A fine silty soil,common in the southern and western United States,that forms an unusually sticky mud when wet. 坚硬粘土一种细而粘稠的土壤,在美国南部和西部很常见,通常湿润时形成粘糊的泥浆
- A fine silty soil, common in the southern and western United States, that forms an unusually sticky mud when wet. 坚硬粘土一种细而粘稠的土壤,在美国南部和西部很常见,通常湿润时形成粘糊的泥浆
- The Leaning Tower began to tilt almost as soon as it was built on soft silt soil in 1173. 比萨斜塔自从1173年建立在软淤泥土上以来就开始倾斜。
- Based on the share of the mass of mineral particle-size-fractions the qualification as sandy soil, silty soil or clay soil takes place. 基于物质沉降速度将土壤按沙性土,壤土或黏土等分类。
- A series of undrained and drained cyclic triaxial tests have been done to study the cyclic behavior of a Nanhai marine silty soil. 通过一系列不排水及排水条件下的周期三轴试验,对南海海洋粉质土的动力特性进行了研究。
- It is concluded that the filled soil is silt soil with high liquid limit and plastic limit, which has the low swelling property in natural state. 结果认为,此路基填土为高液限和塑限的淤泥质软土,天然状态下具有弱膨胀性。
- As for the decayed wood mixed silt soil,the routine methods would disturb and break away the decayed wood and silty soil. 对于包含腐木的软土,常规法取样往往会使淤泥和腐木分离扰动,本项目采取冷冻法取样,并对冷冻法取样和常规法取样进行了固结、次固结和压缩试验。
- Research results show porosity is the main factor to control the resistivity for silty soil in Yellow River estuarine area. 分析结果表明:影响该地区饱和粉土导电性的主要因素为土的孔隙率。
- And use the red gritstone silt soil build an embankment which reinforced by two-way tensioned geogrid. 并且利用粉质红砂土修筑了一段双向土工格栅加筋路堤。
- Based on the engineering practice introduce is made on the construction performance of filling subgrade in silt soil and points for attention. 结合工程实例,介绍了粉砂土填筑路基的施工工艺及注意的问题。
- When the fine content is about the same, clayey soil shows relatively high soil resistance to water flow at high suction when compared to the silty soil. 在细料含量相当时,黏土质土壤在较高吸力状态下土壤抵抗排水能力较粉土质为佳。
- At present, there is seldom construction application of the stabilized earth road subbase using low liquid limit silt soil or sandy silt soil with few fine clay fractions. 粘粒含量很少的低液限粉土或含砂低液限粉土做稳定土路面底基层,目前施工实践较少。
- It profoundly mixes materials such as silt, silty soil, clay and sub-clay through deep mixer, which takes cement as solidify agent, hence greatly improves bearing capability of groundsill. 采用水泥等材料作为固化剂,通过深层搅拌机械对淤泥、泥质土、土、粘土等进行深层搅拌,提高地基土承载力。
- The Xigeda soil is made up of silty loam and silt soil in Panzhihua region, Minerals of which are mainly quartz and plagioclase with clay minerals, montmorillonite, illite and kaolinite. 攀枝花地区昔格达土系粉砂壤土和粉砂土,土壤中原生矿物主要为石英和长石,次生矿物主要为蒙脱石、伊利石和高岭石。
- In view of the problems encountered in the construction of pile setting by grouting man dug hole,such as flowing sand,silty soil,underground water and rock,some solutions are summed up. 针对人工挖孔灌注桩在施工时遇到的问题,如流沙、淤泥质土、地下水、岩石等,总结出一些解决办法。
- The harbor is being up with silt. 那海港被淤泥阻塞了。
- On Evaluation of the Silty Soil in Huai'an City 对淮安市区粉土地基液化评价的思考
- treatment of silty soil foundation 淤泥软基处理
- The technique to reinforce soft soils using DJM piles is mainly applicable to treatment of mire,sludge soil,silty soil,cohesive soil with a high moisture content and complex earth-fill. 喷粉桩加固软土技术主要适用于处理淤泥、淤泥质土、粉土和含水量较高的粘性土,以及能成桩的杂填土。
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。