- similar distance measuring 相似性度量
- This is the current distance measured in pixels. 这是以像素为单位计量的距离。
- Effectively in professional baseball it is much smaller, roughly 18 inches (46 cm) wide and a similar distance in height above the knees. 在职业比赛中它的范围要小得多,大约18英寸(46厘米)宽,高度是在击球员膝上类似的距离。
- In different occasions, the demands of the precision on ultrasonic distance measuring system are different. 摘要超声波测距系统在不同应用场合,对测量的精度要求不同。
- Total length, extent, or distance measured or expressed in miles. 英里数,英里里程用英里测量或表达的总长度、广度或距离
- Odometry Used for speed measurement and distance measurement. 里程计用于测速和测距。
- It lies about 1,600 km. southeast of Australia, separated by the Tasman Sea, and is Located a little over 10,000 km. away from San Francisco and Panama and a similar distance apart from Tokyo and Singapore. Tonga and Fiji lie to is North. 位于澳大利亚东南,相距1600公里,塔斯曼海相隔其间。它离美国的旧金山,中美洲的巴拿马,日本的东京和东南亚的新加坡均约10000公里。北邻汤加、斐济。
- In this paper, we design a millimeter wave distance measuring system based on AVR micro controller and provide the structure of the hardware and the software. 摘要基于AVR高速嵌入式单片机设计了一种毫米波测距系统,给出了相应的硬件组成结构和软件设计方案。
- After checking the fitness of each line segments, we can quickly mine the similar sub-sequence with pattern distance measurement and quick pruning method. 为此提出时间序列变化关键点的概念,以检索出的关键点为边界分割时间序列,线性拟合各分割的子序列,计算查询序列和各子序列的形态距离,快速搜索出相似子序列。
- The direction finding with interferometer has a high precision and a fast speed to find direction, on which the distance measuring with phase changing is based. 干涉仪测向有较高的精度和较快的速度,相位变化率测距建立在干涉仪测向的基础之上。
- The optical fiber transducing technique is used to realize a measuring range multiplication system in distance measurement. 单位:天津大学精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室天津300072;
- The first is to get the united Euler vector as image features, and make use of distance measures to the retrieval of similar color images to query images after Gaussian normalization. 结合方式有两种:一种方式是获得联合欧拉向量作为图像的特征,并对联合欧拉向量进行高斯归一化,然后采用距离公式对图像进行相似度计算,并对彩色图像进行检索;
- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。
- For problems exist when processing echo signal of ultrasonic distance measuring system,two new ways of echo signal processing to improve measure precision are proposed. 在分析超声波测距系统回波信号处理存在问题的基础上,提出了两种提高测量精度的回波信号处理方法。
- The intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance measured from the source of the sound. 声音的强度与声源距离的平方成反比。
- The technique supports Euclidean distance measure and L-shift Euclidean distance measure. 这种方法支持欧几理德距离标准和 L -平移欧几理德距离标准 .
- He talked about it in a similar way. 他对此事有相似的说法。
- He judged the distance to a nicety. 他判断距离很正确。
- His dress is very similar to mine in colour. 他衣服的颜色和我衣服的很相似。