- simple soil slope 简单土坡
- It is applicable to the sandy and gravelly soil slope. 适用于砂性土层和砂砾土层的深基坑边坡支护。
- The development of subsurface flow in soil slope due to rainfall infiltration has been studied with numerical analysis. 摘要对降雨渗入坡面土壤所产生地下水流的进展过程进行了数值解析计算。
- The stability of expansive soil slope was studied considering the effect of rainfall. 在此基础上,研究了考虑降雨入渗影响的膨胀土基坑边坡稳定性问题。
- Solid roots and soil slope capability is molasses grass>tall fescue>Bermuda>ryegrass. 根系固坡保土能力依此为糖蜜草>高羊茅>百慕大>黑麦草。
- Groundwater is one of the main factors resulting in instability and sliding failure of the soil slope. 摘要地下水是导致土质公路边坡失稳滑动破坏的主要原因之一。
- The contribution of matric suction to the stability of unsaturated soil slope should be properly evaluated in order to meet the demand of practice. 在对非饱和土边坡进行稳定分析时,应该全面地考虑基质吸力对边坡稳定的贡献。
- LECA lightweight grass paving block is useful for the grass or hydroseeding due to the grass can be alive in the slot and keep the soil slope stable. 陶粒植草砖可稳定斜坡泥土不会下滑,因砌块中空部份可使小草在内生长,起稳固作用。
- Three boundary condition expressions of unsaturated soil slope under rainfall infiltration and evaporation conditions are presented. 摘要讨论了非饱和土边坡在入渗、蒸发条件下的三类边界条件表达形式。
- Aiming at the elasto-plastic analysis of soil slope stability,a reproducing kernel particle method(RKPM) was put forward. 针对土质边坡的稳定性问题,提出了利用无网格法中的再生核质点法(RKPM)进行弹塑性分析的方法。
- Application of this method to prediction of collapse size of expansive soil slopes shows that it's a quantitative,accurate,simple and easy method. 在膨胀土铁路边坡塌方规模预测中的应用表明,这套方法既能定量,又简便快速,适用性评价结果与实际情况一致
- This paper deals with the design principles of comosite foundations of revetment pile and horizontal truss for embankment of soil slope in mountain area. 本文论述山区新填土边坡采用护坡桩与水平桥架组合基础的设计原理,并以工程实例说明其应用。
- Slope stability is analyzed according to rainfall intensities, prophase total rainfall, different soil slope gradients and vegetation by saturated-unsaturated seepage theory. 摘要在饱和-非饱和渗流理论基础上,从降雨强度、前期降雨总量、不同的土坡坡度以及是否考虑植被护坡等方面对大气降雨条件下土坡的稳定性进行了探讨。
- For the indeterminacy of the soil slope stability, the theory of attribute mathematics and connection mathematics are introduced to analyze the slope stability in this paper. 摘要鉴于边坡稳定的不确定性,引入属性数学和联系数学方法评价土质边坡稳定性。
- By the Euler equation and juncture equation of the variational method,this pa-per has made but a solution to the safety factor of simple homogeneous soil slopes. 用变分法中的欧拉方程与交接条件,推导出了简单均质土坡在时计算其稳定性安全系数的一个理论公式。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Result shows that the gravelly soil slope shape and sediment charge of the runoff has the character of phase, each representative phase moisture content is confine in some extent. 试验结果表明,砾石土斜坡在降雨过程中,坡面土体形态、坡面径流泥沙含量具有阶段性特性:各典型现象土体含水量分布具有区段性;
- Thus, an effective analytic way is provided for the calculation of obligating width of soil slope shoulder beside diaphragm walls in top-down construction method. 文章为逆作法盆式开挖施工中地下连续墙边预留土体坡肩宽度提供了一种有效的计算分析方法。
- Transpiration of Tea Plants on Red Soil Slopes and Its Influencing Factors. 红壤坡地茶园蒸腾及其影响因子研究。
- Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer. 可口的小饼乾就是简单的开胃品。