- A net or lace with a simple pattern of squares. 网格状花边,方格网带有简单方格网眼图案的网或花边
- There is no reason why the resultant should follow any simple pattern. 没有理由说,所得的结果一定会依任何简单的形式出现。
- Because this is the simplest pattern. 师傅:这个图案最简单嘛。
- This simple pattern can do much to simplify a lot of input and output behavior, either to files or in GUI interfaces. 该模式尽管简单,但可以简化很多输入输出行为,不管是到文件还是到GUI(图形用户界面)界面。
- Street signs in the United States follow a simple pattern of shapes and colors: Yellow triangles are cautionary, red octagons are imperatives, and green rectangles are informative. 在美国,街道上的标志牌采用了形状和颜色的简单组合模式,即黄色三角形表示警告,红色八角形表示强制,绿色长方形表示通告。
- When it comes to China policy, American presidents over the past generation have adhered to a relatively simple pattern: Talk tough before taking office, then, once in the White House, backpedal. 关于对华政策,过去几届的美国的总统们奉行的都是一种较为单一的模式:执政前,信誓旦旦扬言要来硬的;
- By applying its concepts to worldly problems the mathematician can often brush away the details and reveal simple patterns. 数学家把数学概念用来解决实际问题,就能剔除细节而揭示出其中的简要模式。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- It’s primarily used to address the technology problems of existing command buttons such as: too simple patterns and light-emitting colors, as well as little signal interfaces and interfacing modes. 主要解决现有指令按钮存在的外观式样单一,发光的颜色单一,信号接口和接口方式少的技术问题。
- The machine can press speci-alshaped,ringlike tablets of different kinds,and can also process the tablets of pesticide both sides are impressed tradem-arks, letters and simple patterns. 它可压制各种异型、环形片剂,并可压制双面刻有商标、文字及简单图形的片剂。
- Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer. 可口的小饼乾就是简单的开胃品。
- A slide-rule is a simple analogue computer. 计算尺是简单的模拟计算机。
- I like my clothes to be simple but elegant. 我喜欢朴素但漂亮雅致的衣服。
- I think this problem is very simple and clear cut. 我认为这个问题非常简单明白。
- My father was a simple farm-worker. 我父亲是个普通的农民。
- Two from five is a simple subtraction. 五减二是简单的减法。
- They are just simple country folk. 他们只不过是普通的村民。
- I have a simple and easy method. 我有个简易的方法。
- He is simple about money matters. 他对于金钱的问题是无知的。
- She doesn't understand you. She's a bit simple. 她不明白你的意思。她有点笨。