- simulate surgery operation 模拟术路
- Good recoveries were got in both conservative treatment and surgery operation. 主要的后遗症是下颌骨发育不良、开口偏斜和轻度张口受限。
- The clinical surgery operation show that the jaw repair surgery aimed by the rapid prototyping technology can impro... 临床应用表明,采用快速原型技术辅助颌面修复手术,可显著提高手术质量,降低手术风险,节省手术时间。
- The transplantation of organs not only need accurate surgery operation but also have a stable source of organs. 器官的移植不仅需要精确的外科手术而且要有稳定的器官来源。
- Laser surgery operation, what what food should eat to cicatrization to cut on food is fast? 激光外科手术,在饮食上应该吃什么食品对伤口愈合的快?
- Objective:To discuss the principle of surgery operation in adenoid cystic carcinoma of ethmoidal sinus and influence factors about prognosis. 目的:探讨筛窦腺样囊性癌患者的手术治疗原则及预后影响因素。
- Objective: To investigate the value of D-dimer assay for predicting thrombebolia in the patients after cerebral surgery operation. 目的:通过对脑外科患者术后进行D-二聚体的检测,探讨D-二聚体在脑外科疾病术后血栓栓塞中的价值。
- Methods From june 2001 to june 2005,326 patients with body surface infantile hemangioma were treated with CO2 laser in 280 cases,triamcinolone acetonide in 36 cases,and plastic surgery operation in 10 cases respectively. 方法:采用CO2激光、局部注射曲安奈德、整形手术三种方法治疗婴幼儿体表血管瘤326例,其中CO2激光治疗组280例,曲安奈德治疗组36例,手术治疗组10例。
- The article presents a collective review about the three ways on surgery operative application of autotransfusion. 现对这3种方式的自体输血在外科手术中的应用进行探讨。
- After six months of intensive training, two local physicians who had not previously performed eye surgery operated on 313 patients in 2005. 经过6个月的高强度培训,当地两位以前从未做过眼科手术的医生在2005年为313位患者做了眼科手术。
- Overall, the number of cosmetic surgery operations undertaken by Bupa hospitals for all age groups grew by more than 22 per cent last year. 男人则更喜欢隆鼻、缩小眼睑和修正招风耳。无论哪个年龄段,抽脂术在男性中是越来越受欢迎。
- Some moths simulate dead leaves. 有些蛾拟态为枯叶。
- Surgery operation on traumatic defect of alae nasi 外伤性鼻翼缺损的手术治疗
- Advance on pituitary adenomas surgery operation 垂体腺瘤的手术治疗进展
- Keywords hypospadias;surgery operation;neonate; 尿道下裂;外科手术;新生儿;
- He is a plastic surgery specialist. 他是个整形外科医生。
- I hope the doctors won't have recourse to surgery. 我希望医生可别非动手术不可。
- He's mending nicely after his operation. 手术后他正在顺利康复。
- He shook a sheet of metal to simulate the noise of thunder. 他摇动一块金属薄片来模拟雷声。
- simulated craniofacial surgery operation 虚拟颅外科手术