- single access mechanism 单存取机构
- The first is RTS/CTS adaptive access mechanism. 第一种改进策略是RTS/CTS自适应接入机制。
- Bolted on, top entry single access cover for ease of maintenance. 螺栓固定,顶部进入的唯一检修盖,便以维护。
- Cocoon provides a database access mechanism using XSP. 在Cocoon中,提供了一套使用XSP对数据库进行数据访问的机制。
- Single access cover and modular check construction for ease of maintenance. 单个检修盖和模块化止回阀结构,易于维护。
- To selectively position the access mechanism of a direct access device. 对直接存取设备的读写机构进行有选择地定位。
- Service of all internal components shall be through a single access cover secured with stainless steel bolts. 通过不锈钢螺栓固定的单个检修盖应该能够维修所有内部部件。
- The bypass line double check valve shall have a single access cover, two independently operating modular poppet check valves, and top mounted test cocks. 旁路管线双止回阀应该具有一个检修盖,两个独立工作的运行模块化提升式止回阀,以及顶部安装测试旋塞。
- DCF is the basical medium access mechanism, which is based on CSMA/CA(channel sense multiple access/collision avoidance). 分布式控制方式DCF(Distributed Coordination Function)是最基本的无线介质接入方式,它是基于冲突避免的载波检测多址接入机制。
- MAC protocol, termed Dual Busy Tone Multiple Access( DBTMA), is a random access mechanism with high channel utilization for WLAN. 双忙音多址信道接入(BTMA)议是一种信道利用率较高的无线局域网信道随机接入控制方案。
- The data are recorded on a series of concentric circles called tracks. The access mechanism steps from track to track,reading or writing one track at a time. 数据被记录在一些被称为磁道的同心圆上,存取装置读写磁道的过程是从一个磁道到另一个磁道,一次只读写一个磁道。
- Affects only that single access; other accesses to the same location must be marked separately. 只影响该单个访问;对同一位置的其他访问必须被单独标记。
- This service faade approach provides a loosely coupled rule access mechanism that fits well with the Web services programming model and process modeling. 该服务faade解决方案提供松耦合的规则存取机构,它可以非常好地适合于Web服务程式设计模型及流程模型。
- Nowadays, relaxing the access mechanism of Non-Profit Organizations and perfecting the mechanism of supervision have become a heated topic among foreign schools. 目前,国外学术界对公益法人讨论的一个热点问题是,放宽公益法人的准入机制,同时完善公益法人的监督机制。
- The data are recorded on a series of concentric circles called tracks. The access mechanism steps from track to track, reading or writing one track at a time. 数据被记录在一些被称为磁道的同心圆上,存取装置读写磁道的过程是从一个磁道到另一个磁道,一次只读写一个磁道。
- EIP provides a single access entrance, which reflects an essential change in enterprise information manages, namely to change a series of unattached interior and exterior tasks into integrating orderly various information. EIP提供一个单一的访问入口,反映出企业信息管理中的一个根本转变:即从一系列独立的内部和外部作业到对各种信息有条理的集成。
- Cooperating with a foreign company, the authors realize file management system in IP-SAN and file access mechanism of application with kinds of file formats. 在此提出了一个基于IP-SAN的文件管理系统及其访问机制的设计方案,能支持各种文件存储方式,方案已经在工程项目中得到了实现和验证,具有良好的应用前景。
- One of the most important characteristics of single access link scheduling of TDRSS lies in that there was time windows constraint between tracking and data relay satellite(TDRS) and user spacecraft. 中继卫星单址链路调度问题的重要特点在于,中继卫星与用户航天器之间并非时时可见,因此通信任务存在可见时间窗口约束。
- Furthermore, the required general test access mechanism usually introduces extra timing penalties for parametric testing, and hence reduces the accuracy of AC measurement. 除此之外,额外的测试存取机构也带来额外的时间延迟而造成测式时间参数上的困难以及准确度。
- The use of serialization can circumvent accessibility mechanisms. 使用序列化可以规避可访问性机制。