- single crystal technique 单晶体法
- One was a technique to lay down polysilicon so that each island of a single crystal is large enough to encompass many memory cells or transistors. 第一种技术是铺陈多晶矽的技术,这项技术使每一个单晶矽岛变得足够大,因而能包含更多的记忆胞或电晶体。
- Electrochemical etching of single crystal GaAs (111) was performed with pyramid-like microstructure arrays by confined etchant layer technique (CELT). 以“金字塔”状的锥体阵列作为电化学模板,利用约束刻蚀剂层技术对半导体GaAs进行加工刻蚀。
- Crystal growth dynamics theory and technique of vertical bridgman method for GaAs single crystal growing were introduced. 简要阐述了垂直布里奇曼(VB)法生长GaAs单晶材料的动力学原理及VB-GaAs单晶的生长技术。
- The technique for manufacturing metal wire with single crystal(MMSC)is proposed,which can make the ordinary copper wires in... 此外,对单晶连铸技术凝固组织的演化进行了初步的模拟,根据模拟结果,探讨和分析了工艺参数对单晶化过程中凝固组织演化的影响规律。
- We made the Czochralski silicon single crystal with a diameter of 12 inches. 直径12英寸直拉单晶硅研制成功。
- By RF magnetron sputtering technique,we fabricated La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 films and Ag doping La0.67Ca0.33MnO3?Ag polycrystalline films on Si single crystal(001) substrates. 用射频磁控溅射法在不同温度的Si(001)基片上制备了La0.;67Ca0
- In this paper,the monocrystal molybdenum with(111)orientation was prepared by the electron beam floating zone melting(EBFZM)technique with(111)Mo-Nb single crystal as seed. 利用籽晶法电子束悬浮区熔技术成功制备了晶体取向为(111)的钼单晶体,采用多种分析测试手段,研究了区熔速率对钼单晶体质量的影响。
- The single crystal is sectioned and then sliced and subsliced with a diamond. 用金刚石锯先将单晶体切成段,再切成片。
- This advisability of deuteration is unnecessary with single crystal. 对于单晶,氘化的这种优点,并不是必不可少的。
- Liquid crystal technique was used to measure the glycerin temperature distributions in an agitated tank heated by vertical tubes. 利用液晶测温技术测量了垂直列管加热的搅拌槽内甘油的温度场分布。
- R. A. Laudise, The Growth of Single Crystal, Prentice-Hall, Inc. p.41. 蓝崇文、姜智豪,结晶成长概述-块晶生长”,第46卷,第二期,化工(1999).
- The technique for manufacturing metal wire with single crystal (MMSC) is proposed, which can make the ordinary copper wires into single crystal wires with infinite length and very small diameter. 提出了金属线材的单晶化技术可将直径较粗的多晶金属线材直接拉制成无限长、直径较细的单晶金属线材。
- One may use a polycrystalline sample rather than a single crystal for many studies. 我们可以用一种多晶样品代替单晶进行多方面的研究。
- Application: For made lithium niobate single crystals. 用途:产品用于拉制铌酸锂单晶。
- This paper presents a new type of melt crystallization technique based on a combination of solidification and sweating. 提出了一种新的基于直接冷却固化与发汗提纯的熔融结晶技术。
- Application: For lithium tantalate single crystal and additive in special optical glass. 用途:产品用于生产钽酸锂晶体和特种光学玻璃添加剂。
- Yellowish or grey, the grains are single crystal with great strength, toughness and hardenss. 黄色或灰白色,颗粒第单晶体,酸度、韧性、强度都比白刚玉高。
- Keywords: micro-gyroscope, silicon single crystal, three-axis angular-rate sensing, natural frequency and mode shapes. 关键词:微型陀螺仪、矽单晶、三轴角速率感测、振动自然频率与模态。
- As a single crystal ithas large emission cross, wide absorption band, low threshold, high thermoconductivity. 具有大的受激发射跃迁截面,宽吸收带,低激光发射振荡阈值,高热传导率等特点。