- She annihilated her opponent, who failed to win a single game. 她大获全胜,对方连一局也没有赢。
- It is realized the event like single game based on various event structure. 不同的事件组织就像不同的单独游戏一样。
- Single game: The next key to control movement around, hitting the space bar. 单人游戏:上下左右键控制移动,空格键击球。
- Thinks that Deke plays to the utmost of his ability every single game. 认为大叔在每一场比赛中就尽全力的发挥。
- If a team plays the match with five players: They forfeit one single game and one double game. 如果一个队在比赛时只有五人出场,这个队的一个单人赛和一个双人赛不比就算输掉了。
- Today they have gone to watch a singles game t the university. 今天他们一起去参观了一场单打乒乓球赛。
- Can you explain to me the service rules in a singles game? 你可以给我讲解一下单打发球规则吗?
- The 1950 World Cup Final had the largest number of spectators to watch a single game in the history. 1950年世界杯决赛是历史上观众数量最多的一场比赛。
- For the first time on mobile, a single game let you adopt a bunch of totally adorable animals at the same time. 第一次登录移动设备,在这款独特的游戏中领养一群动物吧!
- Single game, on the 1st gamers control key is above and below the arrow, a space for hitting. 单人游戏时,1号玩家的控制键是上下左右箭头,空格为击球。
- "Being out on that court competing, trying to win every single game, every single play. “踏上这儿赛场比赛,尝试着去赢得每一场比赛,每一次进攻。
- However, that’s all in the past now as Marek has played in every single game since his return from international duty. 然而,这已经是过去了,现在扬库洛夫斯基可以上场踢每一场比赛自从他从国家队归来后。
- In March sixty four winning university teams from the conferences around the United States are matched against each other in a single game elimination series called March Madness. 三月份,来自全美大学各赛区的64支获胜队各自分组进行一场淘汰赛,这被称为“三月的疯狂”。
- Single game, the player control screen above the white bomber, for the purpose of killing black curs, Of course the use of weapons is the. 单人游戏,玩家控制画面上方的白色炸弹人,目的是将黑色小人炸死,武器当然是利用手中无限多的炸弹了。
- Should only two players be tied in their group after applying the above-mentioned rules, a single game rematch shall take place. 当应用了上面提到的规则后,一个小组只有两位选手同分时,将会举行一场单独的复赛。
- In 1996, IBM's Deep Blue became the first machine ever to win even a single game against the reigning world champion, Garry Kasparov. 在1996年,IBM的"深蓝"计算机成为有史以来成为赢过卫冕世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫一盘棋的首部计算机。
- Unlike a Full System, you are not covering every combination of your selections, but remember that every single game you play has a chance to win Division 1. 不象全包牌法,你不必包括你所选号码的全部组合,但记住每一注你都有机会赢头奖。
- The Heat will have a mark on them every single game they play, and Wade has to believe that teams are not going to let him get easy baskets at any cost. 热队会喜欢上他们打的每一场球,韦德必须明白他的队伍不可能让他那么轻松的打球的。
- I really want to know about every single game that you love on the Sony Playstation 3 so please answer this question and of course why you like the game. 大概你们会觉得我喜欢战争游戏,其实只要有精美的图像,又能够在线游戏,所有这样的我都喜欢。
- I stand corrected despite the fact cheapest wow gold that I can't imagine playing World of Warcraft without participating in at least a single game of, say, Warsong Gulch. 嫣儿没抬头,生气地说:“你可以不吃。”“那好吧,我一定不吃。”果霖边说边走开,嫣儿气得直跺脚。一个小时后,大家七手八脚地把饭桌摆好,开始吃饭。