- The Effect of Different Fertilizer Treatments on the Growth of Chinese Fir Single Leaf Area in the Replanted Chinese Fir Young Plantation 施肥处理对连栽杉木幼林单叶面积生长的效应
- single leaf area 单片叶面积
- A single leaf before the eye blacks out the view of a mountain. 一叶蔽目, 不见泰山。
- Leaf area is the best measure of the photosynthesizing capacity of the plant. 叶面积是测定植株光合能力的最好尺度。
- North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers. 北美洲的一种兰花,在晚夏每茎长出一片褶叠的常绿叶,在春季发出一枝有褐色花的花葶。
- A Preliminary Study on the Mathematic Model of Leaf Area of Ulmus pumila Linn. 与相似的文献。
- The Earth's albedo varies mainly through varying cloudiness, snow, ice, leaf area and land cover changes. 地球的反射率主要因云的变化、冰、雪和土地覆被状况的改变而变化。
- A North American orchid(Aplectrum hyemale) bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers clustered in a raceme. 天距兰北美洲的一种兰花(无距兰),长有一个单叶和谈灰黄色成穗状花序的花
- Every motion of a single leaf moves every leaf of every tree on every isle of earthsea. 一片叶子的任何动向,都能移动地海每座岛屿上每棵树木的每片叶子!
- Sensitivity of Tropical Land Climate to Leaf Area Index: Role of Surface Conductance versus Albedo. 热带陆地气候对叶面积指数的敏感性:地面传导与反照率的作用。
- Adequate N and water can hasten the leaf growth and increase the leaf area and tiller. 充足N肥和水分有利于促进春小麦叶片生长,明显提高叶面积和分蘖。
- Objective: To study the influence of single leaf Asarum himalaicum on the renal function of rabbits. 目的:研究单叶细辛对家兔肾功能的影响。
- The heritability of leaf length and width, leaf area, SLW and leaf blade curvature were higher than 0.5. 叶宽和比叶重的基因作用主要表现为加性效应;
- Leaf area and dry weight based Chlorophyll content were increased under shade condition. 单位乾重及单位面积叶绿素含量在遮荫下皆有增加的趋势。
- Bulletin One of a sequence of reports issued at intervals, or a one-time-only notice printed as a single leaf, folder, or booklet. 定期出版的连续性报告或一次过的公报。它可以是单张,折页或小册子。
- Abstract: The paper studied the variational process of leaf area index (LAI), leaf chl orophyll density (CH. 中文摘要: 分析了北京大屯科技站水稻叶面积指数 (LAI)、叶绿素密度 (CH .
- Bulletin: One of a sequence of reports issued at intervals, or a one-time-only notice printed as a single leaf, folder, or booklet. 公报:定期出版的连续性报告或一次过的公报。它可以是单张,折页或小册子。
- MDA, RWC and leaf area etc can be indexes of drought resistance of maize during its seeding stage. MDA含量、相对含水量、叶面积等可作为玉米苗期抗旱性鉴定的指标。
- Conclusion: The single leaf Asarum himalaicum can cause renal damage to rabbits.Its renal toxicity is lower that that of Asarum heterotropoides. 结论:单叶细辛对家兔肾功能有损害作用,但其肾毒性小于辽细辛。
- The leave area of the status bar describe action of menu item as you use the arrow key to navigate through menu. 当你使用箭头键引导菜单时,状态栏左边区域描述菜单项的操作。