- Single Photon Detector for Telecom Wavelengths 通讯波段单光子探测器的研制
- Single photon detector in quantum communication 量子通信中单光子探测器的研究
- Single Photon Detector of Si-APD with Active Technology Si-APD单光子探测器的全主动抑制技术
- Research of a SiAPD single photon detector in a constant temperature system 恒温控制下的硅雪崩光电二极管单光子探测器的研制
- Infrared single photon detectors 红外单光子探测
- single photon detector 单光子检测器
- . single photon detector 单光子探测器
- SPECT: Single Photon Emission Computer Tomgraphy. 单光子发射计算机断层扫描仪。
- Single Photon Medical Lineal Accelerator,1set. 单光子医用直线加速器,1台。
- Single Photon and Electron Medical Lineal Accelerator, 2sets. 单光子带电子医用直线加速器,2台。
- Based on the ideal photon detector and ideal thermal detector, the relationship between NETD and NEED is studied. 针对理想光子探测器和理想热探测器,探讨了显微热成像系统的NETD和NEED的关系。
- G-APD array detector has two outstanding characters: single photon sensitivity and pico-second resolving power, which makes the detector very suitable for the weak optical signal 3-D imaging. G-APD阵列探测器兼具单光子探测灵敏度和皮秒级时间分辨率两大特点,适用于对极微弱光目标的三维成像探测。
- We could, in fact, arrange to do just that by having the final screen not too far from the slits and the photon detector much farther away. 事实上我们可以将最后一道屏幕摆在离狭缝不远的地方,而光子侦测器的位置则摆得远多了。
- One of those assumptions is that only a single photon represents each qubit. 其中一个假设是,一个量子位元只由一个光子表示。
- Dr Shields's photon detector, however, permits cryptographers to use a phenomenon called quantum entanglement to make a repeater that does not destroy quantum states. 史立德博士的光子探测器允许密码器利用一种叫量子纠结的现象来建立中继器,而又不破坏量子形态。
- The expression of single photon acquisition probability is deduced from the fundamental-mode Gaussian beam. 基于基模高斯光束,推导了单光子捕获概率的表达式。
- To appreciate this behaviour let's examine the dynamics associated with the odyssey of our single photon. 为了看出这一性质,我们来考察与这个单个光子的征程相联系的动力学。
- At present,usual examinations for this disease are CT,MRI and single photon emission computed tomography(SPECT),etc. 目前,该病常用的检查方法有CT扫描、MRI成像及单光子发射型计算机体层摄影等方法。
- Methods The rCBF of 22 unmedicated patients with OCD was measured with single photon emission tomography (SPECT). 方法 采用单光子发射计算机扫描 (SPECT)技术 ,对未服药的 2 2例强迫症患者于静息及症状诱发状态下行局部脑血流 (rCBF)动态显像研究。