- single strand RNA virus 单链RNA病毒
- Honey bee sacbrood virus (SBV) is a kind of picornavirus, a small positive strand RNA virus, which is greatly threatened to the Chinese honeybee breeding. 摘要蜜蜂的囊状幼虫病是中华蜜蜂常见且危害严重的疾病,病原为一小正链RNA病毒。
- Movement of Plus strand RNA Viruses 病毒的运动机
- A single strand lives for up to seven years. 一根头发的寿命可长达7年。
- She wore a single strand of pearls around her neck. 她脖子上戴着单串珍珠。
- In carrying out its various duties, RNA can take the form of a double helix that resembles DNA or of a folded single strand, much like a protein. RNA在执行其各项任务时,可以形成和DNA一样的双股螺旋结构,也可以和蛋白质一样以单股折叠成不同的构造。
- This RNA virus is an example of the filovirus type. 这种RNA病毒是丝状病毒类的一个例子。
- Because the investigators could find no DNA to play the role, they have proposed that the backup template is double-stranded RNA (which ordinarily has just a single strand). 由于研究人员找不到任何DNA参与的证据,他们假设,备用模版可能是双股RNA(RNA通常都是单股)。
- single stranded RNA [化] 单链RNA
- A single strand of matching thread is recommended for hand stitching. 手缝线迹推荐使用一根单股相配的线。
- a plant pathogen that is a virus consisting of a single strand of RNA. 一种植物病原体也就是由单串rna组成的病毒。
- It appeared isometric with a diameter of 25 nm,had its coat protein with MW 24 700 dalton,contained three double strand RNA species that is 3.8 kb,1.4 kb,1.1 kb respectively. 病毒呈二十面体 ,直径约 2 5nm ,有空心和实心 2种粒子 ,具有分子量为 2 4 7kd的外壳蛋白和长度分别为 3 8kb、1 4kb、1 1kb的 3个双链RNA组分。
- Background and Objective:Borna disease virus (BDV) is an enveloped, nonsegmented, mononegative RNA virus. 背景和目的:博尔纳病病毒(Borna disease virus, BDV)是一种有套膜的非分节段的单分子负链RNA病毒。
- Forensic scientists can determine a persons sex ,and race by examining a single strand of hair. 法医科学家能通过检验一缕头发判断一个人的性别、年龄和种族。
- RNA virus gene might integrate with the host cells through reverse transcriptase. 病毒与宿主相互作用是病毒感染致病以及免疫的生物学基础,病毒感染宿主后通过多种信号传导途径可引起病毒与宿主细胞基因表达的变化,病毒基因组单克隆或多克隆位点整合于机体细胞基因组,由此细胞基因组发生改变,引起一系列变化。
- To wind together(two or more threads, for example) so as to produce a single strand. 扭成一束捻合(例如两根或更多的线)成为一股
- Objective: Borna disease virus (BDV) is a neurotropic nonsegmented negative-stranded RNA virus that caused the illness calling Borna disease (BD). 目的:博尔纳病病毒(Borna disease virus,BDV)是一种嗜神经性、非节段性、负股单链的RNA病毒。
- Forensic scientists can determine a persons sex, and race by examining a single strand of hair. 法医科学家能通过检验一缕头发判断一个人的性别、龄和种族。
- Hepatitis C is an RNA virus that is commonly spread through needle sharing in heroin users.The virus mutates as it spreads from one place to another. 丙型肝炎是由一种RNA病毒感染所致的传染病,主要在吸食海洛英人群中因共用针具而传播,情况十分普遍。
- To wind together (two or more threads, for example) so as to produce a single strand. 扭成一束:捻合(例如两根或更多的线)成为一股。