- A traveling wave GaAs heterostructure BOA type optical switch is designed. 设计了行波电极型GaAs异质结材料BOA光开关 ;
- Microwave is just a traveling wave of the oscillating electrical field. 微波炉产生的微波其实就是功率很强的电磁波,即是一种传输的振荡电场。
- In the meantime, chemical promoter 4PU-30、Yield precise, humic acid and IAA can promote single spike weight and growth of regeneration bud, which resulted in high spike numbers and high yield. 同时,化学促芽剂4PU-30、高产精、腐殖酸、IAA能够增加头季中稻单穗重和促进再生芽的萌发生长,提高穗数和产量。
- For a CW Ti: sapphire rins laser without optical diode, there are two output beams corresponding to two oppositely traveling waves in the cavity. 在连续钛宝石环形激光腔中,无光学单向器时存在相向传播的两束光波,有两个对应的输出光束。
- One of two, mutually exclusive, situations: either the neuron has or has not a spike travelling down its axon. 神经元所处的两种互斥的状态之一:沿其轴突发放或不发放冲动。
- One of two, mutually exclusive, situations:either the neuron has or has not a spike travelling down its axon. 神经元所处的两种互斥的状态之一:沿其轴突发放或不发放冲动。
- Combined with the equation of traveling wave and dihedral reflector, the RCS of total missile was calculated. 结合计算行波和二面角散射的经验公式,计算了导弹整体的RCS。
- This paper studies the behavior of different module traveling waves using Peterson principle.The principle of module traveling waves coupling with each other is explained. 并利用彼德逊法则分析了不同模量故障行波经过故障点时的行为,解释了模量行波交叉透射问题;
- One-dimensional multifrequency non-linear model and simulation of helix traveling wave tubes[J]. 引用该论文 高鹏;杨中海;李斌;李建清;胡玉禄;朱小芳;廖莉.
- Absolute instability in gyrotron traveling wave amplifier with distributed loss waveguide[J]. 引用该论文 薛谦忠;纵啸宇;邹峰;刘濮鲲.
- The double T discharge resonator and traveling wave resonator for the microwave excited gas lasers are proposed. 提出并分析了两种用于微波泵浦气体激光器的微波谐振放电腔结构,一是双T谐振腔,一是行波共振腔。
- Traveling wave rotary ultrasonic motors (TRUM) are a new kind of driver that is fit for the need of space navigation. 行波型超声电机适合用于宇航搭载设备驱动器,因此必须对其进行包括高温环境的特殊环境下的性能研究。
- Faults Analysis of Single Spike Roll Crusher and Modification 单辊破碎系统故障分析与改造
- The preliminary experiment of Thomson scattering with the 16 MeV backward traveling wave electron linac and nanosecond-laser beam will be made soon. 我们将利用现有的 16 MeV 返波型行波加速器与纳秒激光器进行汤姆逊散射初步实验。
- In this paper, thestudies on the high shunt impedance backward traveling wave electron linacaccelerating stature (BTW) are presented. 研究了返波型行波电子直线加速结构的工作特性;
- Electro-optic effect on stripline travelling wave Pockels cell[J]. 引用该论文 肖纲要;何慧娟;刘玉璞;张影华;王之江.
- The mechanism of suppressing mode competition in gyrotron traveling wave tube amplifier with helical corrugation is illuminated. 阐述了螺旋波纹波导回旋行波管克服模式竞争的机理。
- Dynamic thermal dissipation of cathode module in electron gun of traveling wave tube(TWT) were theoretically simulated with a newly-developed model. 阴极作为行波管的“心脏”,其内部结构的热耗散是影响行波管预热时间的关键问题,热传导和热辐射是引起阴极组件内部热耗散的最重要因素。
- This study puts forward an auto-detecting method of detecting the precision of dial gauges based on traveling wave ultrasonic motor (USM) and CPLD. 提出了一种基于行波超声波电动机(USM)和CPLD的新型指示表自动检定仪的设计方法。