- singleton fuzzy model 单值模糊模型
- It trains the SOM in a supervised way firstly, and then decomposes the mixed pixels based on fuzzy model. 首先对自组织映射神经网络进行有监督的训练,然后基于模糊模型对混合像元进行分解。
- After a study of the fuzzy model creation method the authors constructed a fuzzy model for a turbogenerator seal oil cooling system with satisfactory results being attained. 文中对模糊建模方法进行了研究,并对汽轮发电机密封油冷却系统进行了模糊建模,取得了满意的结果。
- Non - singleton fuzzy logic system 非单点模糊逻辑系统
- Then the paper proposes a brand new neural network, termed dyadic network, and a brand new fuzzy model, termed dyadic fuzzy system. 然后本文提出了一种称为二进网络的全新神经网络,和一种称为二进模糊系统的全新模糊系统。
- After the system operates, the fuzzy model and the parameters of the PPID are tuned off line again by using the input/output data from the plant. 首先基于初始模糊模型对PPID离线进行整定 ;然后在系统运行后利用对象的输入输出数据对模糊模型和PPID的参数再次进行离线整定 .
- In this thesis, a class of large-scale systems with time-delay interconnections is represented by an equivalent Takagi-Sugeno type fuzzy model. 本论文主要是对于含有状态时间延迟和输入时间延迟的资料采样系统,提出两种数位重新设计之控制器。
- This paper presents a method to recognize digit and small set and Multi-font Chinese character based on similarity measure of Fuzzy Model. 文章提出了一种基于模糊相似测量的小类别数多字体汉字及数字识别方法。
- M.Funabashi,T.Aoki,M.Yahiro,H.Inoue,A fuzzy model based control scheme and its application to a road tunnel ventilation system,Proc.IECON91 Internat. 赖建成,应用模糊逻辑理论于公路隧道通风系统空气品质控制之模拟研究,国立台湾科技大学,自动化及控制研究所,硕士论文,2006。
- The proposed WRNFN model combines the traditional Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) fuzzy model and the wavelet neural networks (WNN). 递迴式小波类神经模糊网路结合了传统的TSK模糊模组以及小波类神经网路。
- Fully decoupled parity equation for multiple faults was constructed, and fuzzy parity equation was obtained by using the T-S fuzzy model. 首先构造线性系统的全解耦奇偶方程,再应用T-S模型融合非线性系统各个工作点处的线性模型的全解耦奇偶方程得到模糊奇偶方程。
- Based on the theory of fuzzy constraint processing, the fuzzy model can be viewed as a generalized Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model with fuzzy functional consequences. 本论文系藉由模糊限制处理为基础,提出一种新的模糊塑模架构,我们称之为限制式模糊塑模。
- A kind of fuzzy model with nonlinear adjustable parameter was employed to approximate uncertrainties,and the model administered to reducing the number of the fuzzy rules. 为充分利用有限的模糊规则 ,采用非线性可调参数模糊模型。
- A robust-optimal controller design method is proposed based on T-S fuzzy model to deal with the nonlinear and uncertainty problems on the flight simulation turntable system. 针对飞行器仿真转台系统的非线性以及不确定性问题,提出了基于T-S模糊模型的鲁棒最优控制器设计方法。
- On the basis of Lyapunov stability theorem and approaching law method,a new variable structure controller is designed. The controller insures the stability of global fuzzy model. 依据Lyapunov稳定性定理和线性系统变结构控制趋近律设计方法,设计了一种新型的离散变结构控制器,该控制器不仅能保证局部线性模型渐近稳定,而且能确保模糊动态模型全局渐近稳定。
- The result indicates that the fuzzy model reference learning control has quicker dynamic response and the same steady accuracy as PI control, but its overshoot is slightly larger. 结果表明,模糊模型参考学习控制具有响应快的优点,同时具有与PI控制同样高的稳态精度,但超调量比PI控制稍大。
- T-S fuzzy model with inserted rules is proposed.The antecedent of the model consists of fuzzy conditional sentences, and the consequent of the model includes productive rules. 摘要提出了一种采用嵌套式规则的T-S模糊模型,其模型的前件为模糊条件语句,而后件包含了产生式规则。
- Then, by denoting the model parameters of water quality as triangular fuzzy numbers, a one-dimensional stable-state fuzzy model for river water quality was proposed. 在定义三角模糊参数的基础上,通过将一维稳态水质模型参数模糊化,建立了模糊水质模拟模型。
- The IBMF (IBM with feedback) based on fuzzy model requires the greatly lesser number of on-line iterations than that required by the IBMF in close loop case. 闭环时,基于模糊模型的关联平衡法所需的在线迭代次数比普通关联平衡法少得多。
- SUN Caixin,GUO Junfeng,LIAO Ruijin,et al.Study on fault diagnosis method of transformer DGA with fuzzy model hierarchy classification.Proceedings of the CSEE,2001,21 (2):37-41. [4]孙才新;郭俊峰;廖瑞金;等.;变压器油中溶解气体分析中的模糊模式多层聚类故障诊断方法的研究