- He must sink or swim by his own efforts now. 现在得靠他自己去闯了。
- He is left by his family to sink or swim by himself. 他遭家人遗弃,一切得靠自己。
- He was left by his family to sink or swim by himself. 他遭家人遗弃,一切得靠自己。
- The new owners of the estate lands would be forced to sink or swim by themselves. 大庄园的新所有者将不得不沉浮全凭自己。
- sink or swim by oneself 沉浮全看自己
- The new students were just left to sink or swim. 学校完全让新生自生自灭。
- This is a sink or swim situation. 这是一个不计成败的情况。
- I sink or swim as duckweed in the rain appears. i下沉或游泳作为浮萍在雨中出现。
- When Joe was fourteen,his parents died,and he was left by himself to sink or swim. 乔14岁时他父母病逝了,他必须自己去闯。
- When Park was fourteen,his parents died,and he was left by himself to sink or swim. 在派克十四岁时他父母死了,然后就一切靠自己。
- When Joe was fourteen, his parents died, and he was left by himself to sink or swim. 乔14岁时他父母病逝了,他必须自己去闯。
- When Park was fourteen, his parents died, and he was left by himself to sink or swim. 在派克十四岁时他父母死了,然后就一切靠自己。
- His Dad had always said: jump in the deep end , sink or swim. 他的父亲总是说:陷入困境中,不论成败,要自己去闯。
- They had to edge theirs way by oneself the, at whiles wading through shallow streams, or swimming through deep pools. 她们不可不侧着身子往前走,有时过浅溪,有时游过深潭。
- We must cut our prices or be forced out of the market. It's a matter of sink or swim. 我们一定得削价,否则就得被迫退出市场,这一件成败攸关的大事。
- Tom's new job was confusing and no one had time to help him learn,so he had to sink or swim. 汤姆的新工作很复杂,人家又没有时间教他,所以他一切都得靠自己。
- Study is like a boat sailing against the current.Which do you want, sink or swim? 学习犹如逆水行舟,不进则退。你是想进步,还是倒退?
- Sink or swim, I will try. 不管成败如何,我都要试一试。
- The refugees had lost their homes and their possessions,and it was now(a case of)sink or swim. 这些难民失去了家园和财产;若不自救别无生路.
- A “sink or swim” approach does not work in complex enterprises, such as flying or trading. 对于复杂的事业来说,“沉下去或者游起来”的方法不行,比如飞行和交易。