- sinking fund provision 证卷的偿债基金条款
- To liquidate(a debt, such as a mortgage)by installment payments or payment into a sinking fund. 分期偿还,分期付款用分期付款和偿债基金的形式偿清(债务,如抵押)
- To liquidate(a debt,such as a mortgage)by installment payments or payment into a sinking fund. 分期偿还,分期付款用分期付款和偿债基金的形式偿清(债务,如抵押)
- To liquidate(a debt, such as a mortgage) by installment payments or payment into a sinking fund. 分期偿还,分期付款用分期付款和偿债基金的形式偿清(债务,如抵押)
- To liquidate (a debt, such as a mortgage) by installment payments or payment into a sinking fund. 分期偿还,分期付款:用分期付款和偿债基金的形式偿清(债务,如抵押)
- Amortisation can also refer to the reduction of debt, either through periodic payments of principal and interest, or through use of a sinking fund. 摊销也可指通过分期还本付息或使用偿债基金减少债务。
- Sinking fund A fund created by a borrower for the purpose of redeeming bonds. The borrower is obliged to redeem specified amounts of the bond within specified periods. 偿债基金借款人为赎回债券而建立的一种基金。借款人必须在规定的时期内赎回规定数额的债券。
- The government is still experiencing challenging fiscal conditions with, for instance, invisible debts such as a shortage of sinking fund reserves for bond repayment, still remaining. 都政府仍然面临着无法乐观的财政课题,比如,减债基金的公积金不足等看不见的负债依然存在。
- Durbin's DHHS funding provision expires in September, at the end of the government's fiscal year. 德宾在卫生及福利部拨款法案里的条款,将于今年9月政府会计年度结束时失效。
- Quite a number of respondents support the establishment of a sinking fund for future building maintenance. Views are divided on the source of funding. 不少回应者赞成为日后的楼宇维修工程设立储备金,但对其经费来源则意见不一。
- That could limit the efficacy of any fund provisions, unless the BOJ asks the government to guarantee loans to smaller banks, analysts said. 分析师们说,这会限制向银行业注资的效果,除非日本央行要求政府为发放给中、小银行的贷款提供担保。
- continual redemption sinking fund 连续偿债基金
- sinking fund method of depreciation 折旧偿债基金法
- Furniture and fixtures sinking fund 器具提存金
- Reserve for retirement of sinking fund bonds 偿债基金债券偿还准备
- The present law makes no provision for this. 现行的法律对此未作任何规定。
- sinking fund depreciation method [经] 偿债基金折旧法
- furnitures and fixtures sinking fund [经] 器具提存基金
- The cargo is unloaded safely from the sinking ship. 货物被安全地从沉船上卸下。