- After dinner sit a while; after supper walk a mile. [谚]饭后百步,延年益寿。
- It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam. 根据规定,申请者一律需经笔试。
- The back part of the hindquarter of a meat animal. 供食用的腿,腿肉食用动物臀部的后半部
- Hit a dog with a meat bun, it does not return. 肉包子打狗;一去不回头。
- The soybean can serve as a meat substitute. 大豆有时可以替代肉类。
- And I see someone holding a meat bun. 看别人手里拿个肉包子。
- Afterinner sit a while-after supt r-alk a while. 午饭后要坐,晚饭后要走。
- Giganotosaurus was a meat eater. 巨龙是肉食动物。
- After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. 午餐后要休息,晚餐后活动。
- A meat or poultry stew with dumplings. 汤团烩肉与汤团一起煮的猪肉或禽肉
- Until you come and sit a while with me. 一直等待你的到来,陪我一起坐片刻。
- Take out a meat cleaver and cut off their hand. 拿起切肉刀,砍断他们的手。”
- After dinner sit a wile, after supper walk a mile. 午餐之后坐一坐,晚饭之后走一走。
- Steak tartare is a meat dish made from raw? 生肉糕是一道用什麽生肉做成的料理?
- Beside him sat a rich lady glittering with jewels. 在他旁边坐着一位珠光宝气的富婆。
- Over there sat a boy with a dog behind him. 有个男孩坐在那边,后面跟着一条狗。
- A good example is spaghetti with a meat and tomato sauce. 在意大利面条中加肉和蕃茄酱就是一个好例子。
- sit a meat 就席
- He needs a meat diet and planty of hard exercise to toughen him up. 他需要少吃肉食和艰苦的锻炼来增加强体质。
- Wash cattlefish, wipe dry and mince then in a meat grinder. 墨鱼肉洗净,抹乾水切碎,放入碎肉机内搅烂。