- The writer is of the opinion that some site factors, such as climate, microtopography and soil are intimately correlated with the distribution and growth of tree species. 针对江苏海岸各种立地环境条件,论述了如何选择先锋树种和后继树种,使海岸造林取得预期效果。
- That's a factor which we must not neglect. 这是我们不应忽视的一个因素。
- I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的财产已有三年了。
- The monument was moved bodily to a new site. 纪念碑整个迁到一个新场址。
- transiently favorable site factors 过渡性有利位点因子
- His experience in social work is a plus factor. 他在社会福利工作方面的经验是一个有利因素。
- Is it safe to site the power station here? 在这建造发电厂安全吗?
- The group goes on a lecture tour of site in greece. 该旅游团前往希腊著名景点进行修学旅游。
- Excavation of the site will begin tomorrow. 明天开始挖掘工作。
- A dump truck was parked on the construction site. 建筑工地上停著一辆倾卸车。
- The deciding factor; the deciding vote. 决定性的因素; 决定性的一票
- This mountain was the site for a quarry. 这座山曾经有一个采石场。
- The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation. 我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。
- They quickly leveled off the site. 他们迅速地把工地整平了。
- An unknown or unnamed factor, thing, or person. 未知之(人)物,不知道的或未命名的因素、物体或人
- Our school has a good site in town. 我们学校位于镇上一个好地点。
- The local council intends to build on this site. 地方议会打算在这块地上盖房子。
- The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium. 滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。
- Shortage of capital was a factor holding back economic development. 资金短缺是影响经济发展的一个因素。
- All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet. 到工地的所有参观者必须带上安全帽。