- With regard to the severe situation of water resources in China,scarcity and externality of water resources are analyzed by use of theories and methods of economics. 针对我国日益严峻的水资源形势,用经济学理论和方法分析水资源的稀缺性和外部性,并根据科斯第三定理,提出明晰水权、建立水市场等缓解水资源稀缺性和外部性的对策。
- The paper analyzes the situation of water resources situation and facility agriculture, and puts forward the developing prospects to fully utilize the rainwater resources in the facility agriculture. 文中分析了河北省水资源现状及其设施农业状况,提出了设施农业中充分利用雨水资源具有非常广阔的发展前景。
- The situation of water resources deficiency is very scrious in the large areas o f the arid, semi arid even semihumid of Huabel Plain, endangering the agricultur al sustainable development. 华北平原广大的干旱、半干旱甚至半湿润区,水资源形势严峻,威胁农业持续发展。
- This chapter introduces situation of water resources in Wuhan, Demarcates Wuhan according to limit of three levels of basins and administrative area atthe actual situation of Wuhan. 介绍了武汉市水资源概况,根据武汉市实际情况,按三级流域分区套区级行政区进行分区。
- In accordance with stern current situation of water environment question of Shijiazhuang, countermeasure of protect was rasied in some aspect of water resources and to treat water pollution. 针对石家庄市水环境问题十分严峻的现状,从保护水资源、治理水污染等方面提出了相应的保护对策。
- By introducing the situation of water resource shortage,the urgency and necessity of reusing municipal sewage are stated. 通过对我国水资源短缺状况的论述,说明了我国城市污水回用的紧迫性、必要性。
- General Situation of Water Resources Protection 水资源保护概况
- current situation of water resources 水资源形势
- present situation of water resources 水资源现状
- People will run out of water resources one day. 人们总有一天会缺乏水资源。
- Rational use of water resources ? 合理利用水资源。
- Rational use of water resources? 合理利用水资源。
- With development of social economy and population's growth, water resource shortage has already become a question globalize, and the situation of lack of water of our country is especially severity. 随着社会经济的发展和人口的增长,水资源短缺已经成为一个全球化的问题,而我国的缺水形势尤其严峻。
- Do you know the actuality of water resource of China? 你知道中国的水资源状况吗?
- The shortage of water resource has been a worldwide problem. 淡水资源短缺是全球性问题。
- The Present Situation of Aridness and Lack of Water Resources in North China and the Probe into Its Causes 华北干旱缺水的现状与成因探索
- The Present and Future Situation of Water Resources for the Cooperative Committee of Gulf States 海合会六国水资源的现状与未来
- General situation of water resources and treatment of small watershed in COTED'IVOIRE 科特迪瓦水资源概况与小流域治理
- On Mechanism of Water Resources Management on Agriculture. 农业水资源管理机制研究。
- The use and abuse of water resources are fundamental to the difficult situation or prosperity in the region. 水资源的利用和滥用才是一个地区繁荣或境遇艰难的根本所在。