- The scientist could visualize the fauna of the period by examining the skeletal remains and the fossils. 科学家通过研究那些骨骼遗骸和化石,可想象出那一时期的动物群的形象。
- She said the latest discovery is more significant because the skeletal remains are more complete. 她说,最新的发现是更为重要,因为遗骸都较为完整。
- Diatomaceous earths are the skeletal remains of the tiny aquatic plants deposited centuries ago. 硅藻土是百年前水生植物沉淀下来的遗骸。
- Here, we start out in a small tower where the doll rests upon a bed with the skeletal remains of a girl. 这章开头,我们出现在一个小塔楼内,那个玩具娃娃和一具女孩子的骷髅躺在床上。
- These animated skeletal remains of slain sorcerers wield the forces of elemental magic as they sow death throughout the land. 这些被复活的法师骸骨藉由操纵元素的力量来散播死亡的种子。
- The skeletal remains of a building in Hiroshima, Japan, stand as a reminder of the enduring injury from the U.S. atomic bomb attack there in 1945. 这座建筑物的残骸屹立在日本广岛,它就象是一座纪念碑,记录着美国在1945年的原子弹攻击事件。
- Skeletal remains indicate that despite physically demanding lives, the people of Neolithic Britain were more lightly built than us. 骨骼残骸显示,尽管他们的生活很需要劳力,新石器时代英国的人类体型却比我们瘦小。
- Their legs and feet atrophied entirely, not even showing on their external bodies, the skeletal remains vestigial and useless. / 他们的腿和脚完全地萎缩, 而不是使在他们的外部身体上的成绩相等, 痕迹的和没有用的骨骼遗骸。
- It should be apparent to all intelligent readers that any madman needs only the raw material of skeletal remains to create these armies of the undead. 所有聪明的读者都会明白,哪个疯子如果想组建不死骷髅军,他所要的原材料仅仅是骸骨而已。
- An early form of modern human being(Homo sapiens) inhabiting Europe in the late Paleolithic Era and characterized by a broad face and tall stature. It is known from skeletal remains first found in the Cro-Magnon cave in southern France. 克罗马努人现代人类(人)的一种早期人种,在旧石器时代晚期居住在欧洲,面颊很宽,身材很高。人们首先是从在法国南部的克罗马努山洞中发现的残存骨骼对其有所了解的
- The main gate was then opened. Carrying their clothes, the dancers again formed into ranks, took up the skeletal remains of the dragon and, to the bedraggled beat of drums and cymbals, wearily marched out of the compound. 大门开了,玩龙灯的人披上衣服,整了队,拿着剩下空架子的龙,伴着半死不活的锣鼓声,疲倦地走出去。
- German officials said on Tuesday they had found the skeletal remains of 1,080 Wehrmacht and 700 Red Army soldiers at the Seelow Heights battlefield since they began searching 12 years ago for victims of the fiercest World War II combat in Germany. 据路透社4月6日报道,德国官员5日表示,自从12年前德国展开对二战丧生者尸体残骸的搜寻工作后,他们已在希娄高地战场遗址发现了1080具纳粹德国国防军和700具前苏联红军士兵的尸体残骸。
- Two observations regarding this skeleton are of note: 1) the postmortem rearrangement of the skeletal remains, and 2) paleopathological evidence of a probable pulmonary tuberculosis infection. 该骸骨有两点很值得注意:1)对死者遗体姿势的重新摆放,和2)古病理学证据表明他可能患有肺结核。
- Now, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority is hoping to find distant relatives to claim the artifacts and skeletal remains of 128 people found at the site near Lorena and 1st streets. 这些在洛雷纳街道和一街附近发现的文物和遗骨属于128名中国人。现在,洛杉矶大都会交通局希望能找到这些人的亲人,来认领这些文物和遗骨。
- Stop him whisking the remains of the meal. 别让他突然把剩下的饭菜带走了。
- The creation of life remains a mystery. 生命的创造仍是个谜。
- The memory remains sharply engraved on my mind. 这件事仍然深深地铭刻在我心中。
- The subject remains untouched upon. 这个题目仍然没有触及。
- Her secret remains untold by now. 她的秘密至今仍未透露。
- Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful. 人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。