- sketch model test 概化模型试验
- For digital printout model test kit, request F-TK-DL. 适用于数字打印输出型号的检测组件,请参阅F-TK-DL.
- The results of the field survey and model test are coincide. 野外实测和模型试验的结果相互吻合.
- The block water characteristics and backwater height of skew bridges are experimentally studied with the sketch model of the Hegong bridge of a speedway. 摘要应用合共公路桥的概化模型试验研究了斜交桥的阻水特性、壅水高度。
- The whole faculty finally passes a decision to cancel the model test. 全体教员最终通过一项决议,取消模拟考试。
- Deign confirmation is made according results of model test and road test. 根据型试试验和道路试验的结果进行设计确认。
- The sketch modeling ability is essential to every practitioner and how to improve the sketch modeling ability is a painter's life mission. 素描造型能力是每一个习画者必须具备的一种能力,如何提高素描造型能力更是绘画者一生的任务。
- The scale effect is one of important factors of influencing hydraulic model test precision. 缩尺效应是影响水工模型试验精度的重要因素之一。
- Hydralics monitored findings in the water-pumping debugging period for TGP lock are presented and compared with model test data. 摘要介绍了三峡永久船闸抽水调试阶段水力学监测的部分成果,并与模型值进行了比较。
- The properties of sand ground reinforced with geogrid were studied through model test. 通过模型试验,对静载条件下土工格栅加筋砂土地基性能进行了研究。
- The result of research shows that microconcrete and model reinforcement can be used in the model test of RC structures. 通过对微混凝土模型材料基本性能及模型钢筋的粘结性能的试验研究,结果表明:微混凝土和模型钢筋可以用于钢筋混凝土结构模型试验
- Some problems about the ice model test are also discussed by comparison with the observed data from the prototype. 同时对照了原型观测成果,讨论了冰凌运动模型试验中的一些问题。
- The article used2 stages of the plaster statue painting way as example to analyse and expound, so the rules of improving the sketch modeling ability were produced, that is, the combination of observation, thought, recognition and manifestation. 文章以石膏像素描写生方法的两个阶段为例进行分析和阐述,从而得出提高素描造型能力的规律,即观察、维、识和表现相结合。
- Based on the model test,the characteristics of the uplifting force on the pervious slab in plunge pool are studied. 结果表明,与不透水底板相比,透水底板可以显著地减小上举力,从而可以提高底板的稳定性。
- Throughout the semester, the students worked on several iterations of their designs, from sketch models through to the final designs, following the path outlined in the assignments. 在整个学期中,学生们根据大纲的安排,在从最初的草图到最后的设计结果生成,中间会有几次的反复。
- Numerical simulation results compare with model test and antetype structure getting from model experiment. 数值模拟结果与模型试验、模型试验推算出的原型结构应力数据加以对比。
- The flocculation mechanism and kinetics of opposite folded plate flocculator (OFPF) was studied on model test. 在模型试验的基础上考察异波折板絮凝池的絮凝机理与动力学的研究。
- Centrifuge model test is an effective approach to study the issues related to geotechnical earthquake engineering. 摘要离心机模型试验是研究岩土地震工程问题的有效手段。
- The water turbine model test for Geheyan Project was performed in 1991, in Lachine, Quebee, Canada. 隔河岩水轮机模型试验1991年在加拿大魁北克拉辛市进行。
- With similar index, model test’s results predicts antetype structure’s stress distribution. 把模型试验的结果按照相似指标推算出原型结构的应力分布。