- The ski resort is empty because there is no snow. 由于无雪,滑雪场空无一人。
- Chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort. 机缘使我们在一个滑雪胜地相遇。
- Check out Whistler, Vancouver's famous ski resort. 去温哥华著名的滑雪胜地惠斯勒山吧。
- As soon as it snows, the ski resort comes alive. 只要一下雪,那座滑雪胜地就热闹了起来。
- Wow! there sure be a lot of good look girls at this ski resort. 哦!这滑雪场有好多漂亮的小姐。
- At ski resort of Austria there is actually a nude skiing. 奥地利的滑雪胜地竟然有裸体滑雪项目。
- I am now at High 1 ski resort, my skip trip is organizing by KTS. 佢地回覆虽然时间短咗,但是员工工作量没有减少,现在团费减300元已经唔错啦。
- Staff: Welcome to the Fun Ski Resort! How may I serve you today? 服务员:欢迎您来到快乐滑雪场!我可以怎样为您效劳?
- Two friends and I were on a night train to a ski resort in Switzerland. 两个朋友和我一块坐晚上的火车去瑞士的滑雪场地。
- Look at this. A ski trip to Whistler. Whistler is a famous ski resort. 看这张海报,去惠斯勒滑雪旅游,惠斯勒可是个有名的滑雪胜地。
- Snow blankets a ski resort in Arosa, Switzerland. Early snow has al ... 提前降临的雪季让瑞士的滑雪期比往年早一个月开始。
- Since we were late to the ski resort, there was not many skiers on the road. 由于我们到滑雪场的时间迟了些;路上并没有许多欲前往的滑雪游客.
- For the holiday, I stayed the week with a friend at a ski resort in the Alps. 我和一个朋友在阿尔卑斯山的一处滑雪胜地度过了一周的假期。
- Dashan: Look at this. A ski trip to Whistler. Whistler is a famous ski resort. 大山:看这张海报,去惠斯勒滑雪旅游,惠斯勒可是个有名的滑雪胜地。
- The Shizukuishi Prince Hotel is located near a ski resort where the World Alpine Skiing Championships were once held. 饭店紧邻曾经举办过高山滑雪世界大赛等的滑雪场。
- Snowmaking work in Baiqingzhai Skiing Resort began on Nov 17.The resort will open this weekend. 白清寨滑雪场从11月17日也开始了造雪工作,本周末将向公众开放。
- In skiing gear, complete with neon sunglasses, at a ski resort in Klosters, Switzerland. 在瑞士的滑雪场,王储的滑雪帽、太阳镜和脖子上的丝巾格外耀眼。
- If that's not enough, it is also within a reasonable distance to the famous Whistler Ski Resort. 若这样还不够好,到著名的惠斯勒滑雪度假中心的距离也是在合理范围内。
- I'll say one thing, there sure are a lot of good-looking girls at this ski resort. 有一点倒可以说的是,这滑雪场有很多漂亮的女孩子。
- This is an artificial ski resort, which is rarely seen in Kyushu, where you can enjoy winter activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and sleighing. 您可在人工滑雪场体验九州难得的滑雪和滑雪板、雪橇车等雪上娱乐。