- I have absolute trust in the (skill of) doctors. 我绝对相信医生(的医术).
- The house/highway is in course of construction. 该房子/公路正在施工中。
- This highway is in course of construction now. 这条公路目前正在修建中。
- The new engine's performance is a tribute to the skill of its designer. 这种新引擎的工作效能证明此设计者技艺高超。
- Also introduces to reader about the history of the manor; the layout of buildings; the highly skilled of construction and the architectural ornamentation etc. “牟氏庄园”是中国现存规模较大、保存又较完整的地主庄园,是山东传统民居的代表。
- The art, sport, or skill of shooting with a bow and arrow. 射箭运动员,弓箭手用弓箭射击的技艺、运动或技巧
- No one could match the skill of the unknown carver. 没有哪个人的技艺能比得上那位不出名的雕刻家。
- He likes to diminish the skill of others. 他喜欢贬低别人的技术。
- Volleying is the basic skill of the game. 凌空对打是这项运动的基本技术。
- Do you have the skill of driving a truck? 你有能力驾驶一辆卡车吗?
- The act, process, or skill of using a typewriter. 打字,打字术,打字工作用打字机的动作、过程或技巧
- A new upsurge of construction was set off. 建设的新高潮被掀起来了。
- The skill of a craftsperson or an artisan. 手艺工匠或技工的手艺
- A consortium of construction companies will build the power-station. 由建筑公司组成的集团将建造该发电站。
- His eagerness will not avail against the fitness and skill of his opponent. 他求胜心切,但这并不能抵挡得住对手的健壮与技艺。
- He likes to diminish the skills of others. 他喜欢贬低别人的技能。
- The new railway is in the course of construction. 新的铁路正在建设中。
- The act,process,or skill of using a typewriter. 打字,打字术,打字工作用打字机的动作、过程或技巧
- It raises problem of construction and of language. 这会产生构思及语言的问题。
- Her skill of acting is beyond praise. 她的演技令人称赞不已。