- A disease such as chickenpox or smallpox, characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks. 痘,痘疮皮肤疾病,如水痘或天花,其特点为皮肤上生有脓疮,并会留下痘痕
- A disease such as chickenpox or smallpox,characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks. 痘,痘疮皮肤疾病,如水痘或天花,其特点为皮肤上生有脓疮,并会留下痘痕
- Dr.Bethune found most of the patients suffering from terrible skin eruptions which he traced to inadequate disinfection. 白求恩大夫发现大多数病员患有严重的皮疹,他查出这是由于消毒不好造成的。
- A blood and kidney cleaner and tonic, as well as a diuretic, it helps clear up acne, eczema, and other skin eruptions. 蒲公英茶有清理体内及血液废物的作用,有利尿、利肝、利胆及净化血液功效。
- Either of two infectious diseases transmitted to humans by the bite of a rat or mouse,characterized by fever and headache and nausea and skin eruptions. 由于受鼠咬而传播到人类的两种传染病的任何一种,突出症状是发热、头痛、恶心和皮肤斑疹。
- A disease caused by a deficiency of niacin and protein in the diet and characterized by skin eruptions,digestive and nervous system disturbances,and eventual mental deterioration. 糙皮病一种由于食用缺乏烟碱酸和蛋白质的食物而引起的疾病,症状为皮肤出疹子、消化和神经系统紊乱及最终心智退化。
- An acute contagious disease, primarily of children, that is caused by the varicella - zoster virus and characterized by skin eruptions, slight fever, and malaise. 水痘由水痘带养疱疹的病毒感染引起的一种急性传染病,患者主要是儿童,症状为皮肤发疹、低烧以及浑身虚弱
- A toxic condition caused by the chronic overuse of bromides, characterized by mental dullness, loss of muscular coordination, and sometimes skin eruptions. 溴中毒由长期过量使用溴化物而引起的中毒状态,症状是精神迟钝、肌肉协调能力丧失,有时出皮疹
- An acute contagious disease, primarily of children, that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and characterized by skin eruptions, slight fever, and malaise. 水痘由水痘带养疱疹的病毒感染引起的一种急性传染病,患者主要是儿童,症状为皮肤发疹、低烧以及浑身虚弱
- An acute contagious disease,primarily of children,that is caused by the varicella - zoster virus and characterized by skin eruptions,slight fever,and malaise. 波动热,马耳他热人患的一种细菌感染疾病,由布鲁氏菌引起,通过与受感染的动物接触而传染。症状是发烧,虚弱,头疼
- Skin eruptions on the genitals, cystitis and diseases of the urinary tract, and venereal infections are ailments to which Scorpios are very susceptible to. 像阴道炎引起的皮肤病、尿道的膀胱炎,和因性生活而感染的病症都是天蝎座的致命伤。
- The skin eruption is of value in suggesting the diagnosis. 皮肤疹对揭示诊断是有价值的。
- To become affected with a skin eruption, such as pimples. 出皮疹被皮疹感染,如丘疹
- A skin eruption accompanying certain infectious diseases. 疹伴有某种传染性疾病的皮肤疹
- A disease caused by a deficiency of niacin and protein in the diet and characterized by skin eruptions, digestive and nervous system disturbances, and eventual mental deterioration. 糙皮病一种由于食用缺乏烟碱酸和蛋白质的食物而引起的疾病,症状为皮肤出疹子、消化和神经系统紊乱及最终心智退化
- Any of various often fatal infectious diseases, such as typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, characterized by skin eruptions and caused by rickettsia that are transmitted by ticks and mites. 斑疹伤寒:一种常致命的传染性疾病,如斑疹伤寒和落矶山斑疹热,其特征为皮肤破裂,由扁虱和壁虱传播的立克次氏体属微生物引起
- METHODS With random contrast, in the treatment group, Meiluxiaozuo cream was applied in the skin leisons, and in the contrst group, combined sulfur lotion was applied in skin eruptions. 方法采用随机对照的方法,治疗组使用玫芦消痤膏患处局部外用,对照组局部外用复方硫黄洗剂。
- A disease, such as measles or scarlet fever, accompanied by a skin eruption. 疹病伴有皮疹的一种疾病,如麻疹、猩红热
- The skin eruption became persistent and spread to involve her whole face. 皮疹持续不退,并播散到她的面部。
- The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。