- I'm trying to sleep off my fatigue. 我想睡觉解除疲劳。
- I am trying to sleep off my fatigue. 我想睡觉解除疲劳。
- She's trying to sleep off this headache she has. 她试着靠睡眠舒缓头痛。
- She hoped to sleep off her headache. 她希望睡一觉后头痛会好。
- She hoped to sleep off her headache [fatigue]. 她希望睡一觉之后头疼会好[会消除疲劳]。
- He can not sleep off his anger. 他睡一觉也不会消气。
- The true face of the natural order of bed and sleep off the Lui Fong. 真面目自然令同床共寝的吕方却步。
- John is sleeping off the hangover. 约翰睡了一觉,才从宿醉中醒来。
- He's still sleeping off yesterday's hangover. 他还在睡觉消除昨天的宿醉呢。
- I spent most of the day sleeping off the alcohol. 我那天大部分时间都在睡觉醒酒。
- Put your feet up, sleep off that late night, read the paper, watch a film or catch up on email. 在开车时可以抬起脚休息,夜深了开车时可以睡觉,还可以读报纸,看电影,或赶写电子邮件。
- The events of the day had been simply too much for her fragile body to handle, and nothing sounded better to her than to sleep off all her worries. 这天发生的事件很明显已经超出了她脆弱的身体所能承受的范围,也没有任何比睡眠听起来更好地忘却烦恼的办法。
- In the first night at the college, I slept off and on. 到大学的第一个晚上,我时睡时醒。
- "I am very surprised that my roommate is a night until about two o'clock in the morning to sleep off hand, and wake up the table on the stolen mobile inexplicable. “我也觉得很惊讶,我的舍友当晚是在凌晨两点钟左右才关手提睡觉的,醒来桌上的手提莫名其妙的就被盗了。”
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- I slept off my headache. 我藉睡眠来消除头痛。
- You can sleep off your fatigue. 睡眠能恢复疲劳。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The doctor gave him a sedative to help him sleep. 医生给了他镇静剂帮助他入睡。