- You gotta sleep with one eye open, girly. 你得睁只眼睛睡觉了,美眉。
- Dolphins sleep with one eye open! 海豚睡觉睁一眼闭一眼;
- You got to sleep with one eye open, girlie. 你最好睁着眼睡觉, 娘娘腔。
- A dolphin sleeps with one eye open. 海豚睡的时候是只眼开只眼闭的。
- Liv: If I were your wedding, I'd be sleeping with one eye open... 丽芙:如果我是你的婚礼,我睡觉都会睁一只眼睡.....
- sleep with one eye open 不敢睡得太熟
- It is loafing with one eye open for the flashes of light that may illumine your mind with the answers you seek. 它是闲散地张着一只眼睛,让你看到一些闪光,那些闪光会照亮你的心灵,并带来你正在寻求的答案。
- You hide among the bushes with one eye open and one eye closed, looking shyly at the changeable world in spite of the months and years passing through your brown back. 树丛中的你睁一只眼闭一只眼,怯怯地望着这变幻莫测的世界,任凭岁月爬满你褐色的脊背上。
- You'd better sleep with an eye open so that you won't be bobbitted. 你最好睁着一只眼睡觉,以防老婆让你暴毙弟弟。
- It is possible to sleep with your eyes open? 人可能睁着眼睛睡觉吗?
- The rich widow cries with one eye and rejoices with the other. 有钱的寡妇一只眼睛在哭,一只眼睛在笑。
- Fish sleep with their eyes open. 鱼睡觉睁着眼睛。
- You are looking into the unblinking eyes of owls, who sleep with one open. 你正看在看得是猫头鹰一眨不眨的眼,它们睡觉时只闭一只眼睛。
- He sees with one eye closed and with one eye opened the futility of much that goes on around him and of his own endeavors,but barely retains enough sense of reality to determine to go through with it. 他睁着一只眼,闭着一只眼,看穿了他周遭所发生的事情和他自己的努力的徒然,可是还保留着充分的现实感去走完人生的道路。
- Wang's large, totemic figure of Mao, with one eye open and one eye shut, was the most controversial piece in the show, which drew between 4,000 and 7,000 visitors a day during its two-week run. 王的大型雕塑,毛睁一眼闭一眼的全身像,是展出最有争议的部分,在两周的展览期间每天吸引了4000到7000名参观者。
- I am surprised that fish can sleep with its eyes open. 我惊讶的是鱼能睁着眼睛睡觉。
- Chris tried to study with one eye on TV set. 格里斯企图一边学习一边看电视。
- Cry with one eye and laugh with the other. 口不应心。
- with one eye opened and the other closed 睁一只眼闭一只眼
- The strange man sometimes sleeps with eyes open. 那个奇怪的人有时睁着眼睛睡觉。