- It is possible to sleep with your eyes open? 人可能睁着眼睛睡觉吗?
- Remember when sleep with your partner. 回忆从前,与你的伴侣。
- The LORD hath been sore displeased with your fathers. 耶和华曾向你们列祖大大发怒。
- Do not always argue with your father. 不要总和你的父亲吵架。
- You shouldn't argue with your father like that. 你不该跟你父亲那样争吵.
- You seem to be very familiar with your father. 你似乎和你的父亲之间很随便。
- I hope there's nothing the matter with your father. 我希望你父亲的健康没问题。
- Go to sleep with your blinds or curtains halfway open. 睡觉时让您的百叶窗或者窗帘半开。
- Daniel, so how was your meeting with your father? 和你爸谈得怎么样?
- slept with your fathersv. 死
- Were you sparring with your father again? 你又在和父亲吵嘴吗?
- Lord Wessex : I have spoken with your father. 我给你父亲谈过了.
- I am sorry I can't agree[Egri:] with your father. 对不起,我不同意你爸爸的意见。
- You can never sleep with your coworker, this would lead serious consequence. 我知道和同事不应该发生关系。
- sleep with your fathersvi. 死
- Your place is with your mother and your father right now. 你现在是该和你父母在一起。
- I found it very refreshing to exchange ideas with your father . 我发现与你父亲交换看法使人精神振奋。
- Judge: Counselor, it's unethical to sleep with your client. If you care about the case, you should sleep with me. 法官:女律师,我要告诉你,与你的客户上床是不道德地。如果你真的介意判决结果,你应该和我上床。
- How would you sum up your interview with your father? 你是怎么看你跟你爸的会面?
- It's time you settled your differences with your father. 现在你该解决同你父亲之间的分歧了。