- Capsule cylindric, 2.5-5 cm long, slightly curved, 6-grooved. 蒴果长圆柱形,长2.;5-5厘米,稍弯曲,有6棱。
- The curved plate of a plow that turns over the soil. 铧式犁翻转土壤的曲面铁板犁
- To fasten a curved plate to the cylinder of a rotary press. 把(曲线版)固定到轮转印刷机的滚筒上。
- To fasten(a curved plate)to the cylinder of a rotary press. 将曲线版系于滚筒把(曲线版)固定到轮转印刷机的滚筒上
- Seeds nearly straight or slightly curved, ca. 0.5 mm, reticulate-striate. 种子近直或稍弯曲,长约0.;5毫米,具网状条纹。
- To fasten(a curved plate) to the cylinder of a rotary press. 将曲线版系于滚筒把(曲线版)固定到。
- Their roads were also slightly curved in a crown or camber so that the water would run off. 他们设计的公路还有轻微的路拱或弯拱曲线,便于路面排水。
- On air photographs, fault indications have one common property: they are always straight, or slightly curved. 在航空相片上,断层标志有一个共同的特点,就是它们始终是平直的或轻微弯曲的。
- Corolla slightly curved, hairy, basal part inflated, lobes spatulate, ca. 8 mm, reflexed. 花冠稍弯曲,有毛,基部深裂膨大,裂片,约8毫米,反折。
- The ears should be erect when alert;the mouth should be slightly curved up at the corners to form the "Samoyed smile. 其表情由眼睛、耳朵和嘴构成,警惕时,耳朵直立、嘴略向嘴角弯曲,形成“萨摩式微笑”。
- Corolla red, tube slightly curved, upwardly inflated, lobes lanceolate, 18-20 mm, reflexed, sometimes slightly twisted. 花冠红色,筒部稍弯曲,向上膨大,裂片披针形,18-20毫米,反折,有时稍扭曲。
- A long, prismatic, slightly curved bone, the shorter and thicker of the two forearm bones, located on the lateral side of the ulna. 桡骨一种长的、棱柱状、微弯的内头,两根前臂骨中较短较粗的一根,位于尺骨的后侧
- Any of several African antelopes of the genus Oryx,including the gemsbok,having long,straight or slightly curved horns and a hump above the shoulders. 长角羚羊,一种非洲长角羚属的羚羊,包括长角羚,长有笔直或略为弧形的长角且背部前方有隆起。
- A long,prismatic,slightly curved bone,the shorter and thicker of the two forearm bones,located on the lateral side of the ulna. 桡骨一种长的、棱柱状、微弯的内头,两根前臂骨中较短较粗的一根,位于尺骨的后侧
- A long.prismatic,slightly curved bone,the shorter and thicker of the two forearm bones,located on the lateral side of the ulna. 桡骨一种长的、棱柱状、微弯的内头,两根前臂骨中较短较粗的一根,位于尺骨的后侧
- Any of several African antelopes of the genus Oryx,including the gemsbok,having long.straight or slightly curved horns and a hump above the shoulders. 长角羚羊一种非洲长角羚属的羚羊,包括长角羚,长有笔直或略为弧形的长角且背部前方有隆起
- If the stents will not pass a stenotic segment, the slightly curved tip catheter should be reinserted and left in place for several days. 同时选择适当之导引钢丝及导管,加上熟练之血管摄影导管技巧,可提高成功率。
- Any of several African antelopes of the genus Oryx, including the gemsbok, having long, straight or slightly curved horns and a hump above the shoulders. 长角羚羊一种非洲长角羚属的羚羊,包括长角羚,长有笔直或略为弧形的长角且背部前方有隆起
- The first ribs are slightly curved, the others well sprung and very well sloped nearing the rear, giving proper depth to the chest. 第一条肋骨略弯,其他肋骨扩张良好、向后倾斜,给胸部以正确的深度。
- Third, beautiful appearance, top-heavy fertilizer, afterpeak slightly curved like a lobster flower, beautiful shape, and life. 三是外形美观,头大身肥,尾尖稍弯曲,状如龙虾花,造型美观,栩栩如生。