- The feasibility of application of slightly enriched uranium (SEU) in CANDU reactor of Qinshan Phase III NPP under the time-averaged equilibrium refueling was studied in this paper using the code system DRAGON/DONJON. 对秦山三期CANDU堆应用稍浓铀的可行性用DRAGON/DONJON程序做了时均堆芯研究分析。
- Study on Introducing Slightly Enriched Uranium Fuel Into CANDU-6 Reactor CANDU-6型反应堆中引入稍加浓铀的研究
- slightly enriched uranium 稍加浓铀,低加浓铀
- Highly enriched uranium can be produced in China. 中国现今能生产高富集铀。
- But Iran continues to enrich uranium for civilian use. 但伊朗继续浓缩铀用于民用。
- To make the fissile material, he needs to develop an ability to enrich uranium. 为了得到分裂物质,他需要发展浓缩铀的能力。
- Plutonium and highly enriched uranium can be used to build nuclear weapons. 钸元素以及高度浓缩铀可以用来制造核武器。
- To make the fissile material,he needs to develop an ability to enrich uranium. 为了得到分裂物质,他需要发展浓缩铀的能力。
- The enriched uranium was used in a Soviet-designed research reactor near Tashkent, described as the largest of its kind in Central Asia. 这批浓缩铀过去是在塔什干附近前苏联设计的一个研究反应堆使用的,这个反应堆被称为是中亚同类反应堆中最大的一个。
- Most U.S. experts think they are intended to serve as rotors in centrifuges used to enrich uranium. 有很多关于这些铝管用途的不同说法。大多数美国专家认为他们是在浓缩铀的离心分离机上作为转子所用。
- The test involves dummy rods that imitate the enriched uranium needed to run the Russian-built plant at Bushehr. 试验牵涉模仿需要在布什尔经营俄罗斯建造的工厂的浓缩铀的模型棒.
- It's reported that the DPRK denied its possession of HEU (highly enriched uranium) plans.Could you confirm that? 问:据报道,朝鲜在会谈中否认有浓缩铀计划,你能证实这一消息吗?
- Once Qom is on line, it will be able to produce ever more enriched uranium, ever faster. 一旦库姆开始运转,伊朗就能更快地制造更多的浓缩铀。
- IAEA said Friday that Iran had enriched uranium and persists with related activities in its unclear program in defiance of the UN. 国际原子能机构理事会周五说伊朗不顾联合国的指责坚持进行与铀浓缩有关的活动。
- Professor Bunn says there are clearly currently about 130 research reactors around the world that still use highly enriched uranium for fuel, . B教授表示现在世界上有大约130个研究反应器还在用高度浓缩铀做燃料。
- The agency says that, as of this month, Tehran had amassed 630kg of low enriched uranium hexafluoride, up from 480kg in late August. 国际原子能机构称,截至11月,伊朗积累了630公斤的低浓缩铀,而8月底为480公斤。
- North Korea now saying they will weaponize all of their plutonium, also saying they will enrich uranium. 并称将收集国家所有的钚来增大铀的产量。
- Iran says it will not negotiate over its right to enrich uranium as part of its controversial nuclear program. 伊朗说,在其有争议的核项目问题上,伊朗不会就提炼浓缩铀的权力进行谈判。
- Methods PC12 cell was irradiated with DMEM/F12 agent of enriched uranium,and the internal exposure doses were calculated. 方法在PC12细胞中加入浓缩铀DMEM/F12工作液,计算PC12细胞的内照射吸收剂量。
- Professor Bunn says there are correctly about 130 research reactors around the world that still use highly enriched uranium for fuel. 教授称全世界大约有130多个国家仍在用高浓缩铀作为燃料。