- She tries to get fit and slim down. 她努力使身体健康体形苗条。
- In the west province the money spinner is cocoa. 在西部省份,赚钱的产品是可可。
- In good physical condition; fit; slim. 健康的身体状况良好的,苗条的
- slim spinner 小直径整流罩
- Do you see the slim pagoda on that hill? 你看到山上的那座细长的宝塔了吗?
- Some girl students are envious of Mary's slim figure very much. 有些女学生非常羡慕玛丽的苗条身材。
- I remember her (ie picture her in my mind) as a slim young girl. 我想起她那时还是个苗条的少女。
- The Marine Corps began to slim down under budget restrictions. 由于预算的限制,海军陆战队开始裁员。
- His chances for getting the scholarship were very slim. 他获得奖学金的希望甚微。
- One of the three Fates, the spinner of the thread of destiny. 克洛索三命运神之一,命运之线的纺织者
- It is not good for young ladies to keep slim at the cost of their health. 年轻女士牺牲健康来减肥是不可取的。
- Mary was born with a slim figure. 玛丽生来就有一个苗条的身材。
- May I look at the salad spinner ? 我可以看看这只生菜甩干器吗?
- She is trying to slim By jogging[dieting]. 她正用跑步法[节食法]来减肥。
- A spinner of flax;a spinner of tall tales. 亚麻纺织机;编造荒诞不经的故事的人
- The spinner topdresser is cheap. 离心式撒肥机价格便宜。
- He is not slim enough to wear these tight trousers. 他不够苗条,穿不上这条紧身裤。
- What a wonderful spinner your daughter is! 你女儿可真是一个了不起的纺线能手!
- I remember her as a slim young girl. 我想起她那时还是个身材苗条的小女孩。
- The fashion model had a very slim figure. 那个时装模特身材苗条。