- slope Mercator projection 斜墨卡托投影
- Flemish cartographer who developed the Mercator projection(1568). 麦卡托,格哈杜斯1512-1594佛兰芝地图的绘制者,发明了麦卡托投影法(1568年)
- The mercator projection is one of the most used world map projection. 麦卡托投影是世界上最常用的投影之一。
- The total amount of Albers, Lambert, Gaussian - Krger, UTM and five Mercator projection transform the pros. 用于对空间数据的投影变换。共实现了Albers、Lambert、高斯-克吕格、UTM和Mercator五种投影的正反变换。
- You can make Mercator projection map, Corn projection map, orthographic projection maps. 您可以麦卡托投影地图,玉米投影图,正投影图。
- Gauss-Kruger coordinate systems are based on the Transverse Mercator projection. 上面这句是ArcDOC上面的,正如winter所说只是叫法不一样而已。
- In a Mercator projection, the north and south poles are spread out, resulting in a map with equally spaced longitudes and latitudes, and a constant compass bearing. 在麦卡托投影(一种制作地图中所采用的投影方式)中,南北两极会被拉伸,使得地图具有相等的经纬度间隔,和固定的罗盘方位。
- The mercator projection is one of the most used world map projection. It preserves direction and shapes but distorts size, in an increasing degree away from the equator. 27麦卡托投影是世界上最常用的投影之一。它维持方向和形状但扭曲大小,离赤道愈远的纬线间隔愈大。
- English: The mercator projection is one of the most used world map projection. It preserves direction and shapes but distorts size, in an increasing degree away from the equator. 麦卡托式是最常用的世界地图投影法。它保留方向及形状但是大小会有失真,失真度随着和赤道的距离增加而上升。
- This Paper describes the advantages of the Mercator projection Based on actual examples, it discusses the application of "slice" and "cut" of round projection to map-making in china. 本文阐述了墨卡托投影的优越性;并以实例为基础;对“切”与“割”园柱投影在我国海疆国的应用进行了分析.
- The Research on the Space Mercator Projection 空间墨卡托投影研究
- space oblique mercator projection 空间斜墨卡托投影
- He pedaled his way up the slope. 他骑着脚踏车上坡。
- universal transverse Mercator projection 通用横向墨卡托投影,通用横墨卡托投影
- Now you can start to coast down the slope. 你现在可以开始顺坡向下滑行了。
- Let's slope off somewhere quiet and have a drink. 我们悄悄溜到什么地方去喝上一杯。
- Universal Transverse Mercator projection(UTM) 通用横轴墨卡托投影(UTM)
- The hospital is on the eastward slope of the hill. 医院在小山的东坡。
- His cottage is on the gentle slope of the hill. 他的小屋在山的缓坡上。