- There is a slow drift into crisis. 有一种渐入危机的趋势。
- Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea. 成千上万只灯笼慢慢漂向大海。
- Hand wound clocks will slowly drift out of sync with the correct time. 手工上劲的钟表会慢慢地不准。
- Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guilding the dead on their return journey to the other world. 成千上万只灯笼缓缓地向海上漂去,指引着死去的亲人踏上返回另一世界的路途。
- a slow drift into debt, war, crisis, etc 逐步走上借贷的道路、 逐渐演变为战争、 渐渐陷入危机.
- The wreckage slowly drifted away. 残骸慢慢漂走。
- Thousands of lanterns slowly drift out to sea guiding the dead on their return journery to the other world. 数千只灯笼慢慢向大海漂去,给死人返回阴间指明道路。
- If forward airspeed becomes zero, the autogyro will slowly drift to the ground, rotor still spinning. 如果向前空速成为为零,旋翼会慢慢漂移到地面,转子仍纺纱。
- If you so desire, I will be the slow, drifting clouds that will unquestioningly be your support! 如果你愿意,我就是那缓缓的云从容地让你依偎!
- If you so desire, I will be the slow, drifting clouds that will unquestioningly be your support!If you so wish, I will be that silent water, w... 一池萍碎 春色三分 二分尘土 一分流水 细看来 不是杨花 点点是离人泪 ...
- However, the SPC rules concerning slow drifts in demand and inventory cause much faster and better reactions to these fundamental changes in the course of time. 但是,SPC的有关需求和库存的微小偏移方面的规则,很大程度上使其应对这种过程中的基础变化,做出更快更好的反应有所帮助。
- Relations were slow to normalize after the war. 战后国际正常关系恢复缓慢。
- The beats of the drum were steady and slow. 鼓声平稳而缓慢。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick. 轮船不停地缓慢摇晃使他感到不适。
- A slow theme introduces the first movement. 第一乐章以缓慢的主旋律开始。
- I didn't get the drift of his argument. 我没有听懂他论点的要领。
- Its slow service gave the restaurant a bad name. 这家餐馆因缺乏效率的服务搞得名声很坏。
- I can't quite catch the drift of his speech. 我不甚了解他的演讲的大意。
- She may be slow but at least she's reliable. 她迟钝是迟钝,但无论如何她很可靠。
- There is a drift of farmers to the cities. 农民流向城市。