- Parts of the film were shown again in slow motion. 影片的一些部分以慢动作重放。
- A trial in the lab with a carbonated beverage in glass: the fall in slow motion. 这个实验向人们展示了装有碳酸类饮料的玻璃瓶子落地时的慢动作。
- Some scenes were filmed in slow motion. 几组镜头被拍成了慢动作。
- The empty car rolled down the hill in slow motion and nobody could do anything to stop it. 这辆空车极其缓慢地从山丘上滑下来,但没有人能阻止住它。
- The first camera could not even photograph slow motion. 最早的照相机甚至无法拍摄哪怕是很慢的运动。
- Practice this at home in slow motion without a ball. 在家无球练习上述九重打法。
- They bubble up in slow motion out of the unconscious. 它们以慢动作像泡沫一样在无意识中升起。
- Slow Motion Punches to The Face from Eduardo Wydler on Vimeo. 谁能想到,脸上被打一拳用慢动作回放起来会是这么的有趣?
- Slow motion, the running antelope jumps over the obstacles airily. 慢镜,奔跑中的羚羊纵身越过嶂碍物,轻盈自如;
- Until then, Bynum's day consists of icing, laser treatments and range of motion exercises 3-5 times a day. 在这之前,安猪每天要做的就是冰敷,激光治疗和一些每天3-5次重复的恢复运动。
- And blood splatters everywhere in glorious slow motion. 而且把四溅的鲜血用慢镜头来加以美化。
- Run that excerpt back to the beginning and replay it in slow motion. 把这一段倒回到开头部分,然后用慢镜头重放。
- Two months postoperatively, range of motion exercises were started once there was pain relief and there was a return to a good functional level after six months. 术后二个月,疼痛缓解后,就开始活动范围,六个月之后就达功能性程度。
- Run that excerpt back to the beginning and replay it in slow motion . 把录像片倒到头,然后慢放。
- The issues on your mind unfold clearly, as if they were in slow motion. 你的心结就像是慢动作似的在你的面前清晰地展开。
- The wonderful shots of goals are usually shown again in slow motion. 精采的射门镜头常常用慢镜头重映。
- By concerning the physiological features of the different ages, we have designed a set of motion exercises to train the form and structure of your body, make you lose your fat without any difficulties and harm and sculpture your magic shape. 另外还对舞蹈编排理论作简要介绍,让同学们自己能独立编排一些简单的舞蹈,学以致用,终身受益。
- Multiple speed playback. You can play at 2X, 4X... and even in slow motion. '''多种速度播放''':您能够以2倍、4倍...甚至能够慢动作播放。
- This point also obtained the slow motion playbacking proof afterward. 这一点随后也得到了慢镜头回放的证明。
- Of excess load or devoid rhythm take exercise not only the purpose that short of motion exercises, and be a hindrance to at health of body and mind. 超负荷或缺乏节奏的锻炼不仅达不到运动锻炼的目的,且有碍于身心健康。