- He is slowly recovering from his illness. 他正慢慢从病中复原。
- With the Worldstone destroyed, it is possible that humans might slowly recover their angel and demon ancestry’s latent powers. 但是随后世界之石毁灭了,于是人类有可能缓慢的恢复在他们血液中潜伏的天使和恶魔祖先的能力。
- The "strongest man", 46, is expected to slowly recover over time from short-term memory loss and mild alogia due to his incomplete skull caused by the earthquake. 46岁的赖元平被网友称为"最坚强生命标志"的男人,他因颅骨破裂,只有短时记忆,并伴随轻微失语症。
- I'm slowly recovering my strength after a bout of flu. 我得过流感后体力正在慢慢恢复.
- "I’m hopeful I can feature,” he told EFE .“I feel good and I’m slowly recovering my best form. “我很有希望能上场,”他说,“我感觉不错,正在慢慢找回最佳状态。
- He is suffering the pain caused by conglutination of the slowly recovering wound. 他正在忍受着愈合缓慢的伤口由于粘连引发的疼痛。
- But as Ted slowly recovers, he finds himself falling deeply in love with Claire (Ormond), the wife of the only man who can get him back to safety. 但泰德在养伤期间却深深的爱上了唯一可以救他离开这个地方的人的妻子克莱儿(欧蒙饰)。
- FOR the government, at least, it is a symbol of hope and a sign that Iraq, at last, is slowly recovering from recent horrors. 对于政府,开放国家博物馆至少传达着希望,向征着伊拉克正从近年的恐怖中慢慢恢复。
- As the economy slowly recovered, vacancy rates declined and national land prices and rents increased.Rents in Tokyo also inched up . 随着经济的缓慢回升,商品房空置率下降,全国的地价和租金都开始上涨。
- The country, prostrate after years of war, began slowly to recover. 这个国家连年战争元气尽失後,已开始慢慢恢复正常状态。
- He let himself down slowly by means of a tope. 他借助一根绳子慢慢地下来了。
- I nearly fell but managed to recover myself. 我差一点倒下,但最后还是站稳了脚根。
- Tell me straight out, will I ever recover? 坦率地告诉我,我还会康复吗?
- The tuck slowly ploughed through the mud. 车在泥泞中吃力地缓慢行驶。
- Wu Sun-fu stared at Tu Wei-yueh for a while, then slowly recovered his composure and sat down again. "The interfering bitch!" he muttered to himself through clenched teeth. "She's making more trouble than all the women put together! 吴荪甫尖利地看着屠维岳好半晌,渐渐脸色平了,仍旧坐了下去,咬着牙齿,自言自语地说:“混账东西! 比闹事的女工还可恶!
- Jennie made a great effort to recover herself. 珍妮努力使自己镇定下来。
- After a long coma the sick man slowly came back. 昏睡了好久以后,那个病人慢慢地恢复了活力。
- He is very ill and unlikely to recover. 他病得非常厉害,不大可能恢复健康了。
- Sloths live in trees and move very slowly. 树獭生活在树上而且行动缓慢。
- It's going to be some time before I recover my full strength. 还要一些时间我才能完全恢复体力。