- The feasibility study on deep well injection to cyanide containing wastewater. 含氰废水深井注入技术的可行性研究。
- Electroplating sludge containing high concentration of heavy metals such as Cr,Cd,Ni and Zn is a typical kind of hazardous wastes. 电镀污泥中含有大量的铬、镉、镍、锌等重金属,是一种典型的危险废物。
- Arsenic containing wastewater from gallium arsenide production was treated by coagulation process using self made polyferric metasilicate. 砷化镓晶片生产过程中 ,产生大量废水 ,其中主要污染物是悬浮状态的砷化镓微粒。
- In this paper,a treatment process to Vanadium Containing wastewater of orimulsion-fired power plant and the corresponding control system will be introduced. 本文介绍了奥里油电厂含钒废水的处理工艺以及相应的控制系统。
- Class A sludge contains no detectable pathogens and can be used anywhere. 类有机污泥不含检测得出的病媒,任何地方都能使用。
- Besides, by using of MCS to treat copper containing wastewater, it was performed in a fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) filled with MCS to treat copper-contaminated wastewater. 在应用流体化床吸附技术处理含铜废水部分,本实验系利用将锰砂填充于反应槽内做为吸附剂,利用将填充之锰砂以流体化方式,以有效去除废水中之铜离子。
- The inorganic and organic pollutants in the photoresists containing wastewater after the treatment of the iron chipping micro electrolysis are analyzed by ICP-AES and GC-MS. 采用色谱-质谱联用分析仪和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪分析和鉴定了光致抗蚀剂废水中的污染物。
- A process for decolourization of anionic dye containing wastewater by using waste plastics in the presence of cationic auxiliary and sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate has been studied. 探讨了在阳离子助剂及十二烷基苯磺酸钠存在下,利用废旧塑料对阴离子染料的脱色工艺。
- This paper reviewed the research progress in PCP containing wastewater treatment technology, discussed the characteristics of different methods and suggested the further studies needed. 文章回顾了近年来国内外有关五氯酚废水处理技术的研究进展,对各种处理方法的优缺点进行了评述,对未来的研究方向提出了建议。
- However,some sewage sludges contain heavy metals which pollute soil. 但是,如果污水淤渣中含有超标准的重金属元素,它将污染土壤。
- The result shows that sludge contains oil is good pelletal type profile control plugging agent,which can seal high permeability layer efficiently,and play the role for incr... 结果表明:含油污泥是较好的颗粒型调剖堵剂,能够有效地封堵高渗透层,起到增油降水的作用,污泥调剖是施工简单、成本低、封堵效果好的工艺技术。
- The principal technical parameters of ferrite process for treatment of chromium containing wastewater are studied, it provides a basis for selection of the optimum process conditions. 对铁氧体法处理含铬废水工艺中的主要技术参数进行了探讨,为选择最佳工艺条件提供了依据。
- Abstract: Sampling, sample preparation and sample pretreatment method for electroplating sludge contained noble metals has been prepared, and related topics discussed. 文章摘要: 介绍了含贵金属电镀污泥的样品采集、制备和预处理方法,并对有关问题进行了讨论。
- Barium sulphate sludge containing mercury 含汞的硫化钡污泥
- The removal of phenol?contained wastewater in 2,4-D production by hypercrosslinked resin NDA-150 has been investigated. 采取超高交联树脂NDA-150吸附处理2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸含酚生产废水,取得了良好的效果。
- Sewage sludge contains abundant plant nutrition, which could improve the physical and chemical character of the soil while applying sewage sludge into the crop land and increase the yields. 城市污泥中含有大量的植物营养元素,其土地利用能改善土壤的理化性质,提高作物产量,减少污泥对环境的二次污染,从而实现污泥的资源化、无害化、稳定化和减量化处置目标。
- In this paper introduced and evaluated some kinds of treat-ment technologies of phenol contained wastewater,including the actualities and development of the present study. 对含酚污水的各种处理技术,包括正在研究的各种处理技术的现状和进展,进行介绍和评述。
- Various indices of output water quality all reached the requirements of design,can meet the demand of reusing the coal contained wastewater and of flushing water used for ... 运行实践表明,高效澄清器对于处理含煤废水非常有效,各项出水水质指标均达到设计要求,能满足火电厂对含煤废水回用及输煤系统冲洗水的要求。
- chromium ion (Ⅵ) containing wastewater 铬离子(Ⅵ)废水
- heavy metal ion containing wastewater 含重金属离子废水