- Construction start technique with slurry shield machine in Xincheng, Guangzhou 广州新城泥水平衡盾构始发技术
- slurry shield machine 泥水盾构
- Based on complex hydrogelogical conditions of Pearl River Delta,great risks and serious consequences caused by construction technology of slurry shield are analyzed. 结合珠江三角洲复杂水文地质条件,分析了泥水盾构施工技术上的重大风险及其引起的严重后果。
- The technologies for grouting at the tail of the shield machine were summed up in this paper. 摘要对目前国内盾构施工中采用的盾尾注浆技术进行了总结。
- Builders in the construction of bold innovation, to solve the water balance shield machine in the clay layer tunneling difficult problems the world. 建设者在施工中大胆创新,解决了泥水平衡盾构机在黏土层掘进困难这个世界性难题。
- Case of open flame burning gas that is even an explosion, a serious threat to the safety of construction, tunneling shield machine careful not wise. 沼气遇明火即燃烧甚至爆炸,严重威胁施工安全,盾构机贸然掘进并不明智。
- As tunneling and cutting equipment of a shield machine,the cutterhead can excavate stratum,stabilize excavation face,mix soil slag, etc. 刀盘是机械化盾构机的掘削机构,具有开挖地层、稳定开挖面、搅拌渣土等功能,并承受大扭矩、大推力和冲击载荷的作用,其工作状况非常恶劣。
- super-large diameter slurry shield 超大直径泥水盾构
- Manaage the historical data by dafabase and then analyse the major factor which affect the position of shield machine, then educe the relation between geology and the pressure of jack so as to control the position of shield machine more effectively. 摘要基于盾构掘进的已有历史数据,建立数据库对盾构掘进数据进行管理,分析挖掘影响盾构姿态的主要因素,并得出地质条件与盾构掘进千斤顶推力之间的关系,更有效地实现盾构的姿态控制。
- Research of Polymer-MMH Slurry Used in Slurry Shield Tunnel 用于泥水盾构隧道的聚合物正电胶泥浆研究
- Articulated shield machine is a new technology used to construct small radius curve tunnel, as compared with ordinary EPB shield, to use the articulated device has unique advantage. A-part from that, it is easy to correct the deviation. 铰接式盾构机的使用是一项新技术,盾构在施工小半径隧道时,使用铰接装置,与普通的土压平衡盾钩机比较有独特的优点,铰接式盾构机不但能用于小半径隧道施工,也能用于盾构的纠偏。
- Shield is the special one for soft ground tunnel construction, among which the EPB (Earth Pressure Balance) shield is a newly developed advanced shield machine in recent 30 years, and it is suitable for various kinds of ground from soft clay to gravel. 盾构是软土地基隧道施工的专用设备,其中土压平衡系盾构是近30年来发展起来的一种技术先进的新型盾构机械,能适应从软弱粘性土到砂砾土范围内各种地层的隧道施工。
- The reasonable calculation method of thrust force and its influencing factors were studied by applying mathematics and mechanics based on the working mechanism of EPB shield machine. 应用数学和力学方法,从土压平衡盾构的掘削工作机理入手,研究顶进推力的计算方法及其影响因素。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The equipment configuration of shield machines is one of the important factors that dominate the results,progress and investment of the works. 盾构设备配置是否合理是关系到工程建设成败、工程进度、工程投资的重要因素。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- With the wide application of shield machines in Chinese metro construction,backup system for shield tunneling becomes more and more important. 随着盾构在我国地铁施工领域的广泛使用,盾构施工配套技术越发显得重要。
- In the paper,the qualifications for the breaking of the boulders directly by shield machines are studied by means of analysis on the boulder/soil mechanics. 通过岩土受力分析得出了盾构机直接破碎孤石的条件,结果表明孤石直径埋深越大,岩石强度与周边土体强度相差越小,孤石越容易被破除。
- Application of slurry disposal system of tunnel shield machine for building subaqueous tunnel across Huangpu River 越江隧道盾构泥水处理系统的应用
- An Inquisition into Calculation of Earth Pressure of Tunnel Face for the Slurry Shield 有关泥水加压式盾构机掌子面土压力计算的探讨