- small current earth line 小电流接地选线
- Study on continuous line selection for small current earth fault based on D-S evidence theory 基于D-S证据理论的小电流接地故障连续选线方法
- Application of Microprocessor Selected Line Eqnipment of Small Current earthed System in a Transformer Station 微机型小电流接地系统选线装置在变电站的应用
- Detection of Single Phase Earth Fault in Small Current Earthing System 小电流接地系统单相接地故障的检测
- Earth Principle Analysis for Small Current Earthed System Protection 小电流接地系统保护接地原理分析
- This is a earth line rather than a live line. 这一根是零线而不是火线。
- The Protection Measures to Single-phase Alternating Current in Small Current Earthed System 对小电流接地系统的单相接地的保护措施
- Identification of small Current Earthed Linc on Distribution Network with Arbitrary Parallel Grounding Device 带人为接地分流装置配电网的小电流接地选线
- A synergetic theory based faulty line detection method for single-phase to ground fault occurred in small current neutral grounding system is proposed. 提出了一种基于协同学理论的小电流接地系统单相接地故障选线方法。
- Abstract: How to locate the single-phase to earth faults in small current neutral grounding system of distribution system is a problem to actualize distribution automatization. 摘 要:配电网中小电流接地系统单相接地故障的快速精确定位,一直是困扰配电系统自动化的难点。
- The equipment should be provided with independent earth line and its resistance to the earth should be less than 4 ohm. 本设备必需具备独立地线,其接地电阻要小于4欧,切不可将水管或建筑物钢筋作地线。
- Key words: low current earth electrical network, transient earth fault, zero-sequence energy , energy variation . 关键词:小电流接地电网,间歇性电弧接地故障,零序能量,能量变化。
- A small current output and intermittent middle current pulse were demanded in the battery for BP. 寻呼机用电池要求小电流连续放电加上间歇中电流脉冲。
- In BJT devices, a small current flow at the base moderates a much larger current between the emitter and collector. 在BJT器件中,基极小的电流调节发射极和接收极之间大得多的电流。
- And higher modulation frequency can be achieved with small current aperture and adequate spontaneous emission factor. 通过减小VCSEL电流孔径、适当增大自发辐射因子可以实现比边发射器件高几倍的传输速率;
- Pyramometer provided a small current signal compatible with NRG Symphonie loggers. NRG日照传感器使用余弦修正,可以满足低照射角下的精确测量。
- Practical ammeters, however, do have some small current that flows when the input is open. 然而,实际的安培计在输入端开路时的确有一些小的电流。
- Anti-static foot grounder avoids the earthing line when walking in the range of conductive area and is the best choice of workshop and garage. 接地脚环没有接地线的牵绊,可自由行走于导电地垫范围内,是机动性高的工作室或仓库的最佳选择。
- Live earth line protection voltage 地线带电保护电压
- It is introduced in this paper that the design and function of the new-type HEWL instrument transformer calibrator and its testing equipment for small current and voltage. 介绍了新型HEWL互感器校验仪的设计、功能以及用它对小电流互感器与小电压互感器的具体检定方法。