- We must not go by the short-sightedness of the small producer. 然而这绝不能依靠小生产者的近视。
- Moreover,we are still plagued by the force of habit of the small producer and by the habits of bureaucracy. 此外,小生产的习惯势力和官僚主义的习惯势力,还仍然盛行。
- One allegation often made is that noise produces mental illness. 常常有人这样断言,噪音引起精神
- The last two skins, namely, national capitalist and small producer ownership, were targets of the socialist revolution. 社会主义革命是革后两张皮:民族资本主义所有制和小生产者所有制。
- Moreover, we are still plagued by the force of habit of the small producer and by the habits of bureaucracy. 此外,小生产的习惯势力和官僚主义的习惯势力,还顽强地纠缠着我们。
- Mozi is the young handicraftsman and small producer's representative,is actually a giant. 墨子是小手工业者和小生产者的代表,却是一位卓越人物。
- Mozi represents the small producer benefit, made public stand raises the chisel "Deny Art" the thought, established a new school in the pre-qin esthetics thought. 摘要墨子,代表小生产者利益,旗帜鲜明地提出“非乐”思想,在先秦美学思想中独树一帜。
- They should criticize the ideology of the exploiting classes and the conservative,narrow-minded mentality characteristic of small producers,criticize anarchism and ultra-individualism,and overcome bureaucracy. 要批判剥削阶级思想和小生产守旧狭隘心理的影响,批判无政府主义、极端个人主义,克服官僚主义。
- In the 19th century it harbored hundreds of small producers. 19纪期间,此地曾是数百家小型业者的据点。
- They should criticize the ideology of the exploiting classes and the conservative, narrow-minded mentality characteristic of small producers, criticize anarchism and ultra-individualism, and overcome bureaucracy. 要批判剥削阶级思想和小生产守旧狭隘心理的影响,批判无政府主义、极端个人主义,克服官僚主义。
- Establish of root of means of small producer thinking the smallholder economy at autarky, have the characteristic such as circular sex, batter sex, experience sex, middle sex. 小生产者思维方式根植于自给自足的小农经济 ,具有循环性、内倾性、经验性、中庸性等特点。
- HypertensivePatient, because mental element can accentuate of blood pressure lift or produce elephant of cerebral blood-vessel danger, produce mental obstacle thereby. 高血压病人,由于精神因素可加重血压的升高或发生脑血管危象,从而产生精神障碍。
- Fourth,it is because people are still subject to the force of habit of the small producer,who sticks to old conventions,is content with the status quo and is unwilling to seek progress or accept anything new. 四是,因为小生产的习惯势力还在影响着人们。这种习惯势力的一个显著特点,就是因循守旧,安于现状,不求发展,不求进步,不愿接受新事物。
- Fourth, it is because people are still subject to the force of habit of the small producer, who sticks to old conventions, is content with the status quo and is unwilling to seek progress or accept anything new. 四是因为小生产的习惯势力还在影响着人们。这种习惯势力的一个显著特点,就是因循守旧,安于现状,不求发展,不求进步,不愿接受新事物。
- For small producers in developing countries, it can be very difficult to earn extra income from their livestock. 对于发展中国家的小生产者来讲,通过其家畜赚取额外收入是非常困难的。
- Like the peasants, they are small producers in their economic status, and their interests are irreconcilable with those of imperialism. 和农民一样,他们有同帝国主义势不两立的小生产的经济地位。
- Like the peasants,they are small producers in their economic status,and their interests are irreconcilable with those of imperialism. 和农民一样,他们有同帝国主义势不两立的小生产的经济地位。
- They soon discovered the obvious fact that the codes discriminated against small producers, especially in pricing and sales policies. 他们很快就发现这一明显的事实:那些法规是歧视小生产者的,特别在物价与销售政策方面。
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。
- Most raw milk comes from small producers which sell supplies to middlemen, who have been blamed for using melamine to mask watered-down milk. 大多数原料奶来自小生产商,他们将原料奶出售给中间商,而人们指责中间商利用三聚氰胺掩饰在牛奶中掺水的事实。