- small local exchange 小型市话交换机
- very small local exchange 很小容量市话局
- A telephone cable from a local exchange to a central exchange. 一种从本地交换局到中心交换局的电话电缆。
- The small local groups are the backbone of the party. 地方小团体是该党的主力。
- Most are small local operas focusing on songs and dances. 多是歌舞为主的民间小戏。
- Small local shops are intrinsic to the town's character. 本地的一些小店铺是这个镇的基本特点。
- Arie eats some small local prawns at the table, and drinks beer. 阿里吃着桌上的当地的小虾,就着啤酒。
- It was decomposing into many small local authorities. 它正分解成许多小的地方政权。
- The small local restaurants and food stalls do a brisk trade on weekends. 每逢周末,当地的餐馆和食店均其门如市。
- Rules that a LEC (Local Exchange Carrier) employs to redirect a call that encounters a Busy or No Answer. 当呼叫遇忙或无应答时,LEC(本地电话公司)使用该规则重新发送呼叫。
- Adds the local Exchange Domain Servers group to the Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group. 将本地Exchange Domain Servers组添加到Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access组中。
- This name, of up to 32 characters, is used to identify the local Exchange MTA to remote MTAs and LAN-MTAs. 该名称最多32个字符,用来向远程MTA和LAN-MTA标识本地Exchange MTA。
- A few times, they will be listed according to the local exchange short selling short selling target list of options. 少数时候,他们也会根据当地交易所列出的卖空名单选择卖空对象。
- Alternate Access Provider A carrier providing local access and transport other than the primary local exchange carrier. 备用接入提供商提供本地接入的电信公司,与主要的本地交换运营商不同。
- The smallest local political division of various European countries, governed by a mayor and municipal council. 乡镇各种欧洲国家的最小地方政治区域,由市长和市委员会管理
- Only after we have done all this can we get small guerrilla units to dispatch or establish small local units, and keep up guerrilla operations. 完成了这样的准备工作,我们便有可能派出或由本地生长出小型游击队,坚持当地的经常的游击战争。
- Unlike object IDs, which are used only by the local Exchange MTA, the message ID is part of the message itself and can be tracked across MTAs. 与只由本地Exchange MTA使用的对象ID不同,邮件ID是邮件本身的一部分,并且可以跨MTA进行跟踪。
- The arrival of large supermarkets sounded the death knell of many small local shops. 大型超市的出现宣告了许多地方小商店的终结。
- Compared to Outlook, Outlook Web Access usually provides faster access to public folders when there is no local Exchange public folder server. 与Outlook相比,在没有本地Exchange公用文件夹服务器的情况下,Outlook Web Access通常提供更快速的公用文件夹访问。
- How could anyone turn his back on Fleet Street in central London for a small local area ? 一个人怎么可以放弃在伦敦市中心的高薪职位去地方的一个小区呢?