- "Smart grid" development plan, construction schedule. “智能电网”发展计划,建设时间表。
- PHILLIP F.SCHEWE has extolled the virtues of a smart grid for years. 施维宣扬智慧型电力输送网已有多年。
- The distribution management system deployed by EDF is one of several solutions in GE's smart grid portfolio. EDF配置的配电管理系统是GE公司智能电网一揽子技术中的一种解决方案。
- In windy Colorado, a smart grid may focus more on harnessing wind energy to supplant electrical power. 在多风的拉罗拉多,智能电网可能更把焦点放在利用风能发电代替热电。
- The momentum for a smart grid continues to build.But God, as Mies liked to say, is in the details. 智能电网的建设仍将继续,但正如密斯喜欢说的,上帝即细节。
- Down the two cities less than 20 plates, paper printing, smart grid, led by gold plate, but less than 0.70 percent decline. 两市下跌板块不到20家,造纸印刷、智能电网、黄金等板块领跌,不过跌幅均不到0.;70%25。
- Technologically, the self-healing smart grid is no longer a distant dream. Finding the money to build it, however, is another matter. 就技术而言,自我修复的智慧型电力输送网已不是遥不可及的梦想。但要找到建立这类电力输送网的经费,则是另一回事。
- "The government gives a lot of mandates but not a lot of funded mandates," said Bill Vogel, chief executive of Trilliant, a maker of smart grid parts. Trilliant是一家制造智能电网部件的公司,执行总裁BillVogel说“政府颁发许多指令,但许多都是不带资金的。
- All told, estimates the Brattle Group, a consultancy, the benefits from a smart grid could amount to $227 billion over the next 40 years in America alone. 一家名为Brattle集团的咨询公司估计,未来40年来,仅在美国,智能电网产生的全部效益将达2270亿美元。
- GE is promoting the smart grid with ads that show a scarecrow singing “If I only had a brain” from “The Wizard of Oz” while bouncing along an old power line. 通用电气公司正在通过广告推进智能电网,这个广告中有一个来自“绿野仙踪”的稻草人沿着一条旧的电线唱到“如果我有大脑”。
- And the "Internet of Things" and speculation is different is that smart grid development more predictable and maneuverability, so bodies on their viewpoint also clearer. 和"物联网"的炒作不同的是,智能电网的发展更具可预见性和可操作性,因此机构对其的看法也更为明确。
- Governments have earmarked parts of their stimulus packages for smart grids. 政府已经将部分经济刺激计划资金分配给智能电网。
- A smarter grid could mean new efficiency, and thus less need to build power plants. 一个聪明的新格可能意味着效率,从而减少需要兴建发电厂。
- Foundation Capital's Grosser has backed two companies successful in the deployment of smart grids,. 基础基金(FoundationCapital)格罗斯尔已经支持了在智能电网应用方面非常成功的两家公司-SilverSpringNetworks(银春网络)及eMeters(e-仪表)。
- The JRC plan includes fuel cells and hydrogen, clean coal, second generation biofuels, nuclear fusion, wind, nuclear fission and smart grids. 联合研究中心出版的计划书收录了燃料电池、氢、清洁煤炭、第二代生物能源、核子融合、风能、核子分裂和大电网。
- Grosser notes that the stimulus is broader than smart grids and that its tax credits also help promote alternative energy. 格罗斯尔注意到,刺激计划的范围远远超过智能电网,其中的税收直接抵免政策有助于替代能源的发展。
- The stimulus measure, signed into law by President Barack Obama on Tuesday, provides matching funds over two years to encourage utilities to start work on smart grids. 奥巴马总统周二正式签字的刺激措施,为今后两年内鼓励电力公司建设智能电网提供了需要的的资金。
- This boy is very smart; he may be another Edison. 这男孩很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。
- She'll leave him a right smart when she passes on. 她去世后将会给他留下大笔财产。
- Although we call him nobody home, he is very smart. 虽然我们叫他疯子,可他非常精明。